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Walter Shuttleworth

The Badger

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...This looks like it is the birth registration...Births Dec 1901 .. Shuttleworth Walter Sheffield 9c 519...
... and this might be the death entry: Apr-Jun 1963, Shuttleworth, Walter, Sheffield, age 61. Vol 2D Page 278


A Walter Shuttleworth married Grace Bramhill in Sheffield in Jul-Sep 1936 (Vol. 9c Page 1656). Grace, born 21 February 1906, died in Sheffield in August 1989.


Walter and Grace evidently had a son, Alan Shuttleworth, born Jul-Sep 1939. This Alan may well have married Dorothy Smith in Sheffield in Jan-Mar 1963. They in turn were most likely the parents of Nigel Kevin Shuttleworth, born Apr-Jun 1968.

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Thank you Wisbech and Hillsbro.


I had forgotten that I had the date of birth from an earlier search but the date of death proved elusive. I had searched from 1980 backwards on Genes R/U to 1951 and the only illegible record was, you've guessed it, the one in 1963 that I have now rechecked. I can

just make out the details as provided by Hillsbro, so thanks again.

The reason for the search is that a WS was recorded as a partner to my mother in the early forties. Could this be him?

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...The reason for the search is that a WS was recorded as a partner to my mother in the early forties. Could this be him?
It seems possible if Walter and Grace separated. I have the 1942 Kelly's Directory - no Walter Shuttleworth is listed in the alphabetical section (but this didn't include every householder). If you know your mother's address at that time I can look in the street-by-street listing for the householder. Electoral rolls (accessible in the Local Studies Library) give all the people entitled to vote at particular addresses.
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It should help you if I fill you in further on my search. There is doubt as to who my father was as my mother was living with a WS at the time I was born. I was the youngest of six, all of whom (each within two years of birth) finished up in either Herries Road Childrens Home or Fulwood Cottage Homes. My mother (Evelyn Sproson) was recorded by The Childrens Dept as living c/o a Mrs Marriott at 2/4 Hollinsend Road and with WS when I was born in Feb 1942.

She was also, with or without Joseph Henry Sproson, listed as living at Firvale House (Workhouse), c/o a Mrs Chapman 78 Carsick Hill and with her mother at 128 Swanbourne Road; all between first born in 1933 and me in 1942. JHS seems to have come and gone (if you'll pardon the expression) at will.

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So it's far from simple! The 1942 directory shows three unmarried sisters living at 78 Carsick Hill Road - Selina, Harriet and Ada Mary Chapman. Fred Woodhouse is listed at 128 Swanbourne Road and the marriage index shows that Joseph H. Sproson married Evelyn Woodhouse in 1933. You mention that you are the youngest of six, but Sproson is far from being a common surname and I actually found seven Sproson children, all with the mother's maiden name given as Woodhouse, born between 1934 and 1946 - the youngest being Patricia A. Sproson born Oct-Dec 1946.


As Walter and Grace had only one child, it could be that they had separated by 1939. Electoral rolls show who was living with whom; apart from this it may be difficult to prove very much from public records. Perhaps someone on the Forum can provide more information from personal knowledge.

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Yes, I must apologise for omitting Patricia who sadly died in hospital at 6 months old. None of the three youngest, Barbara 1940, John 1942 and Patricia 1946 had the father's name registered. I've just looked at Patricia's birth certificate and Evelyn was shown as living at 2 Herries Road although I believe that to be part of the Firvale setup. Both Barbara and me were taken into care from a hut on Tinsley Gardens in Jan 1943 (yet another address!).

I had not intended my initial enquiry re WS to be a full blown attempt to determine who my father was, but if anyone else can help then I might as well run with it.

Many thanks for your help to date.

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There's always a chance that someone on the Forum might remember something about WS; you never know. Yes, 2 Herries Road was the address of Fir Vale House. It seems Evelyn must have had a hard time - she evidently died aged 80 in 1987 (d.o.b. 26 April 1907). The 1911 census shows her family living in Regent Lane, off Brook Hill.

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Hello Hillsbro.

You mention the three Chapman sisters at 78 Carsick Hill. Evelyn was listed as being there in 1944/45 but also at 2/4 Hollinsend Road, Tinsley (but isn't that road in Gleadless?) around that time. If the sisters were daughters of the Mrs Chapman mentioned it may help to find her age and that would then give an indication as to their ages. One or more of them may still be around. Presumably, only the 1911 census could give us that info. What do you think?

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