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With regard to the 'whats wrong with sheffield' posts..


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i think the fact that you can get a bottle of beer for 40p in the supermarkets where it now has to cost at least £1 (much more now that there arent as many people going out drinking!) has to play a part.


In a supermarket yesterday there were so many cheap booze deals that I did wonder why the clubs and bars get called inconsiderate and careless when the supermarkets can do it much more blatant and in major bulk...and in front of kids!


If the clubs were helped from central govt to not have minimum pricing, the drinking hours were taken OFF of 24 hours and an infrastructure put in place to encourage people to go into our city centre we would see an improvement.


How can it be a clubs fault when people collapse from being drunk outside the venue when they havent even been in...they've been getting hammered at home on 45 bottles for £18!


We have lost our culture of going out which, in my opinion, leads to 'safe' events, appealing to all but pleasing none, and having to pay more for your drinks as a part of it!


I'd be interested to hear other peoples thoughts on this!

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