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Sheffield. Barometer for the next General Election?

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I can understand peoples dismay but to ignore the problem would mean even more problems for more people for a longer period of time.


The country knows we need to make cuts, the only problem is everyone seems to think the cuts should be felt by someone else.


That's true but it would be easier to take it if the government had come up with any kind of plan for replacing the jobs by stimulating the private sector but they haven't and they aren't going to so I won't vote for them and I doubt many of the other people losing their jobs will either.

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I think the Oldham by election will be a better barometer, although the Lib Dems will probably escape a student backlash there due to a lack of students.


I think that people often vote very differently in local elections than they do nationally. Locally I try to vote for the person who I think will get stuff done, rather than the same party. Many things like dealing with antisocial behaviour effectively, planning or pot holes don't depend on whether your councillor is a Lid/Lab/Con, just that they will work hard and listen to local people.

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That's true but it would be easier to take it if the government had come up with any kind of plan for replacing the jobs by stimulating the private sector but they haven't and they aren't going to so I won't vote for them and I doubt many of the other people losing their jobs will either.


The problem is the Govt is misleading the public in to thinking it knows what the structural debt is that needs to be cut. It doesn't and can't know that until the economy is up and running again.


As you say the focus now should be in getting the economy working, and reducing unemployment.




The Tories plans only make economic sense in terms of their minimal state free market ideology, an ideology that played no small part in getting us in to this mess in the first place.

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The problem is the Govt is misleading the public in to thinking it knows what the structural debt is that needs to be cut. It doesn't and can't know that until the economy is up and running again.


As you say the focus now should be in getting the economy working, and reducing unemployment.




The Tories plans only make economic sense in terms of their minimal state free market ideology, an ideology that played no small part in getting us in to this mess in the first place.


Of course, I forgot that the Conservatives had been in power for all of the last 14 odd years.....:huh:

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The Tories plans only make economic sense in terms of their minimal state free market ideology, an ideology that played no small part in getting us in to this mess in the first place.


Excessive borrowing got us in the place we are now and that is a trait of just about every Labour government in memoriam. It is certainly not the ideology of the conservatives or the Lib Dems for that matter.

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Excessive borrowing got us in the place we are now and that is a trait of just about every Labour government in memoriam. It is certainly not the ideology of the conservatives or the Lib Dems for that matter.


I am glad that you have all the answers because it seems you beloved party cant even agree ………….



Osborne's growth plan is 'insubstantial' - Tory MPA senior Tory backbencher has accused Chancellor George Osborne of failing to present a clear strategy on stimulating economic growth in the UK.


Andrew Tyrie, chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, said the coalition's efforts so far - detailed in a document called the Path to Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth - were "insubstantial".

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Its simple, if there is an election anytime soon (im not sure there will be though) sheffield will swing to quite a large labour majority, and if the country stays conservative as a whole....then sheffield will be up the spout even further than it is now.


But if the Lib Dems lose seats to Labour it is possible that Labour will get back in as the Tories won't have them to help them make up their majority.


Personally I don't think either of the major parties are really going to solve our problems. We seem to be stuck between one party who want to spend far too much money on wasteful things and one who just want to slash and burn and cut everything back to the absolute wick.


But I do think for your average person, especially in Sheffield, would probably be a bit better off with Labour back in because the current Tory policies really are scorched earth.


If there was a party who would fund core services well without the waste we've seen with Labour and profligate spending, micro managing of peoples lives and social engineering but didn't want to slash and burn like the Tories do they would get my vote. But of course, that's far too sensible and will never happen!

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