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Sheffield. Barometer for the next General Election?

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That doesn't mean there's any risk of Sheffield becoming a Tory-dominated council this side of Armageddon.


In England, the Tories have 298 seats, Labour 191, Lib Dem 43, Green 1. 56% Tory seats in England.


In terms of votes, that was Conservative 39.7%, Labour 28.2%, Lib Dem 24.1%, UKIP 3.4%”



Data here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/region/48.stm


I just wonder how much relevance there would be to those figures under PR. It is all very well for Liberals to point to their share of the vote, but I suspect that around 30% of those who vote Liberal do so to in an attempt stop a Tory or Labour candidate from being elected, rather than in support of the actual candidate.


It wouldn't half **** off the Ldems if PR was introduced and they actually ended up with less MPs as a result.

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I just wonder how much relevance there would be to those figures under PR. It is all very well for Liberals to point to their share of the vote, but I suspect that around 30% of those who vote Liberal do so to in an attempt stop a Tory or Labour candidate from being elected, rather than in support of the actual candidate.


It wouldn't half **** off the Ldems if PR was introduced and they actually ended up with less MPs as a result.


Indeed I think the picture would change dramatically. It would end tactical voting, and ensure that elections are not decided by about 500,000 in key swing seats.


There are many seats where it simply isn't worth certain parties campaigning which isn't healthy for democracy.

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I just wonder how much relevance there would be to those figures under PR. It is all very well for Liberals to point to their share of the vote, but I suspect that around 30% of those who vote Liberal do so to in an attempt stop a Tory or Labour candidate from being elected, rather than in support of the actual candidate.


It wouldn't half **** off the Ldems if PR was introduced and they actually ended up with less MPs as a result.

Fully agree, they are asking for nails in their won coffin. I know plenty of people in Sheffield who vote Lib Dem because they think that gives a better chance of keeping a Labour candidate out than voting Conservative. Not suggesting that's the case for all, but both 'main' parties would gain seats.
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There seem to be an awful lot of threads on here predicting a break up of the coalition and an iminent General Election. However I can help noticing that all these theads seem to have eminated from a few forumers who are unlikely to have voted for either of the coalition partners. But with Nick Clegg's constituency being in Sheffield could the city be a key to the coalition's future.


Given that the largest party in the rest of the country always performs extremely badly in Sheffield I don't see how Sheffield can be seen as an electoral barometer for the next general election.

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Given that the largest party in the rest of the country always performs extremely badly in Sheffield I don't see how Sheffield can be seen as an electoral barometer for the next general election.




Nor me , only somebody who has no idea would make such a claim.

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But if the Lib Dems lose seats to Labour it is possible that Labour will get back in as the Tories won't have them to help them make up their majority.


Personally I don't think either of the major parties are really going to solve our problems. We seem to be stuck between one party who want to spend far too much money on wasteful things and one who just want to slash and burn and cut everything back to the absolute wick.


But I do think for your average person, especially in Sheffield, would probably be a bit better off with Labour back in because the current Tory policies really are scorched earth.


If there was a party who would fund core services well without the waste we've seen with Labour and profligate spending, micro managing of peoples lives and social engineering but didn't want to slash and burn like the Tories do they would get my vote. But of course, that's far too sensible and will never happen!


Because we have to live in the real world. Not a fantasy one.

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Nor me , only somebody who has no idea would make such a claim.



Coming from someone who claims that a party that increases its vote at each of the last 3 general elections is in terminal decline, whilst one that gets less of the vote at the same elections is on the up, I'm not sure that your logic actually counts for that much.

Next you will be claiming Tommy Sheridan is a Tory.

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