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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Anyone read about the problems in the Sheffield Star tonight regarding a group of youths who attacked a group of schoolchildren after a visit to a careers exhibition? The kids were not only from King Ecberts but also Notre Dame. And returning to their schools on the tram were physically and verbally abused and pelted with stones.

My daughter has only just told me about it after all this time.It seems there were problems inside the building as well. No mention in the Star about the descriptions of these people so you will have to hazard a guess as free speech has gone in the favour of political correctness.

If a group of white males attacked a group of ethnic people in this way there would be hell to pay from the press,politicians and police and they would be named and dragged in front of tv cameras.

I dont see any form of racial integration in this country full of scroungers, maybe a bloodbath


Always one to live and let live regarding race, politics etc. Not any more.

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Originally posted by billyblade

cycleracer, you know and I know why they were attacked you dont attack people because they have a school unifiorm. Many of those kids are working class despite the ties and blazers.

Do I , then thats news to me.

I don't read the Star and you don't say why they were attacked.

Explain please.

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Originally posted by billyblade

cycleracer, you know and I know why they were attacked you dont attack people because they have a school unifiorm. Many of those kids are working class despite the ties and blazers.


That's funny - when I was at school kids used to get attacked for wearing uniforms - it identifies what school you are from. Valley v Newfield anybody!?!

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

That's funny - when I was at school kids used to get attacked for wearing uniforms - it identifies what school you are from. Valley v Newfield anybody!?!

Yeah but its a bit different now days.

Example you parade around The Manor in a school uniform the likely hood is you will get ridiculed by local kids.

You walk round Hallam then you won't.

The difference being school uniforms in the wrong area attract violence.

Sad state of affairs i know, but its true.

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Yeah that's what I'm saying Cycleracer - school uniforms can and do attract violence.


It's unfair to say that about the Manor though - it's no where near as bad as people make out. It's also very possible that you could get attacked in Hallam, this kinda crap happens everywhere.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Yeah that's what I'm saying Cycleracer - school uniforms can and do attract violence.


It's unfair to say that about the Manor though - it's no where near as bad as people make out. It's also very possible that you could get attacked in Hallam, this kinda crap happens everywhere.

Yeah, your right i am leaving myself wide open there.

I only mentioned Manor as an example, i am not accusing the area of being a place of violence.

I could have used a whole lot of areas but the Manor is regionally known due to T.V reports.

I could have said Wybourn but then i'd have Clhoe on my back ranting her little heart out at that bad old Cycleracer.:(

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Valley v Newfield anybody!?!


Remember it well - Lees Hall Golf Course, scene of many a battle:thumbsup:


I did here about this as my daughter goes to King Egberts - they dont wear uniform but just sweatshirts, where were the teachers?

Should they have been out of school on there own anyway? I heard they had to make there own way there.


Boys will be Boys! and girls it appears

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