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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Whats the thing with uniforms then eh? never mentioned it, my daughter was wearing normal clothes so remember you brought that up first . And whats the thing about walking about in 'Hallam' about? chip on shoulder I reckon. Probably lost mine when I left Hucklow Rd and then Pipworth Road juniors. Now live and walk about in Hallam.

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Cycleracer!! :P

I live on the Manor PARK, not the Manor or Wybourn!

I went to All Saints while most of the others round here went to Waltheof, Myrtle or City. I had to wear a uniform... shirt, skirt, tie, job lot and never really had any abuse from anyone. Except the odd bit of banter about Bible Bashing, but I know I'm not religious so who gives a t0$$

You're all just jealous that I live in the best part of Sheffield... so there! :P


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Originally posted by billyblade

Always one to live and let live regarding race, politics etc. Not any more.


Would you kindly explain what you mean by this? Are you telling us that you are now going to become active, racially and politically?

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Originally posted by billyblad

Always one to live and let live regarding race, politics etc. Not any more.

Originally posted by max

Would you kindly explain what you mean by this? Are you telling us that you are now going to become active, racially and politically?

I probably shouldn't speak for someone else but ...


I presume/speculate that his daughter (who he said goes to King Ecgbert) told him that the 4 kids who were attacked were white and the gang of 30 attackers of a different ethnic origin. The point being that if it was the other way around the story would have been reported as an outrageous racial attack and may have even made the national press.


I think there is a tendency in this country to automatically assume all white on black (generalising to save typing!) attacks are racially motivated, whilst black on white crimes are NOT assumed to be racially motivated unless proven otherwise. I personally don't think this encourages racial tolerance.


Let's pretend that the story was reported in the same way except the gang of 30 were white kids and those attacked were 4 Asians kids. Now let's say you are the Asian parent of a kid at the same school as those attacked. There is no mention of this being a racist attack in the press and you go on to this forum to read comments that it's just "toffs getting a slap" or it's just a "school scrap". How would you feel? I speculate that this is perhaps how the parent who started this thread feels.


Does anyone else thing there is disparity in how "race hate" crimes are classified/reported? Isn't any disparity in how we classify/report race hate crimes itself racist? Is it counter-productive in the fight against racism?

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Originally posted by Zamo

Does anyone else thing there is disparity in how "race hate" crimes are classified/reported? Isn't any disparity in how we classify/report race hate crimes itself racist? Is it counter-productive in the fight against racism?



Definetly. I don't know your colour Zamo, but if you are white and I said your comments were rubbish and you weren't welcome on here, it would be seen as criticism, but if you were black, would I get jumped on for being racist?


BTW your comments ARE good and you ARE welcome!

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

That's funny - when I was at school kids used to get attacked for wearing uniforms - it identifies what school you are from. Valley v Newfield anybody!?!


I remember that feud... and me being the easy target cos I was from outside the area (lived in Walkley in those days) who the Norton/Gleadless residents at the School would try and blame for starting fights at Newfield...


WTF?! How the hell could I start fights at Newfield school when at the time I didn't even know where the friggin' place WAS?! :mad:


Seriously though the AMOUNT of times we had their chief sir in assemblies bitching about skirmishes between Newfield pupils and our lot, ridiculous...


What I'd like to know is what started the feud in the first place?! I don't really care, cos I'm not a resident of that locality, I'd just like to know out of curiosity.

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Originally posted by Zamo

I probably shouldn't speak for someone else but ...

Spot on Zamo, you shouldn't speak for others.


Why has this thread degenerated into yet another rant about race? In typical fashion no facts have been used to justify anyone's position just innuendo. If the person whose daughter witnessed the attack wants us to know what really happened then why hasn't he told us what she saw? Yet again, innuendo and unsubstantiated anecdotes.


Obviously, I'll take it back if the witness is willing to make a statement to the police and we actually see some facts. But really Zamo, why do you read so much into what isn't written?


Incidentally, if you are talking for billyblade then what does he mean by no longer letting people live and let live?

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