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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Originally posted by Rich

I remember that feud... and me being the easy target cos I was from outside the area (lived in Walkley in those days) who the Norton/Gleadless residents at the School would try and blame for starting fights at Newfield...


WTF?! How the hell could I start fights at Newfield school when at the time I didn't even know where the friggin' place WAS?! :mad:


Seriously though the AMOUNT of times we had their chief sir in assemblies bitching about skirmishes between Newfield pupils and our lot, ridiculous...


What I'd like to know is what started the feud in the first place?! I don't really care, cos I'm not a resident of that locality, I'd just like to know out of curiosity.


Don't know what started it - I've never known the two to get on. Best thing is - I used to be in the middle of it all while I was at Valley then when Valley closed and I went to Meadowhead beef started between us and Newfield. So I ended up in the middle of it again - yay :rolleyes:

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Sorry to reply to your posts so late, not got the kind of job where I sit behind a computer screen.

Zamo got it spot on ,said exactly what I felt which is : its o.k for some people to speak their minds about certain things but if you reverse the situation it just doesnt work. Max, if you think Im doing all this from a racists stand point I am quite prepared to come into the Princess Royal with a: an afro caribean mate b: a Sikh and a Muslim who all get on like a house on fire. Plus there will be some mates from another part of Europe at the end of November if you really fancy making a night of it!

Do you realise that the ethnic minorities know you are patronising them?



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Why should Zamo not speak for others? surely a sign of a caring society, with greasy haired people sporting beards and the mandatory roll ups. Entering quiz nights and telling people that they go in the rough boozers in working class parts of Sheffield.





(ex smoker)

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I took a group of kids down to Don Valley last Thursday. They were supervised at all times. It was only a small group and not likely to cause a fuss. Inside the hall, there were no problems, but transporting kids across town using public transport is asking for trouble. I would suggest that events such as these take place in the evening, with parents going with their kids as individuals.

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Zamo your post makes a lot of sense. Thanks to people such as max and the rest of the PC brigade, the racism issue has gone far beyond an equal balance. Ethnics can cry racism at any opportunity, but if a white person does the same, they are the ones accused of being racist for thinking the issue was about race! It also proves that one half of the city is a lot safer than the other.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

That's funny - when I was at school kids used to get attacked for wearing uniforms - it identifies what school you are from. Valley v Newfield anybody!?!


Whoah, I remember that when I was at Valley (then when it closed moved to Newfield and hoped no-one recognised me.




Take care and all the best.



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Would you kindly answer the following questions presented to you:


Originally posted by fnkysknky

What's the thing with the comments about race eh? The article never mentioned that either... :rolleyes:



Originally posted by max

Would you kindly explain what you mean by this? Are you telling us that you are now going to become active, racially and politically?


I understand your concern about the safety of your child, but I also understand Max's point about threads quickly turning into slanging matches 'tween different races. Do not forget that when I complained about cold Sheffield winters in another thread, your response was for me to get of the country.

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' Would you kindly answer the following questions presented to you'


Do you think you are my teacher or summat?


And the reference to the airport and the ability to jet away when the temperature drops has been said to me many times when Ive complained about the cold on building sites.

What do you think I should do? Run crying to the boss!


Out of interest I had a look at your site when I first joined this board and the comments about Liverpool and scousers could be taken as quite unpleasant if you came from that City

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