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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

Correct me if i'm wrong but don't the pupils at that school wear uniforms.

Maybe that was the reason why theses mindless yobs verbally abused them.

Uniforms on school kids are seen as 'better class of pupils' these days and are despised by under educated louts.



If only. I used to wear a school uniform (3rd year to 5th year).

I went to Gleadless Valley Secondary school (V.O.T)!


Not exactly a posh school.... more of a working class school! You may even call it a rough school! No longer there now cos it's been torn down and replaced with houses.


Anyway... my point was I doubt it was the uniform cos MOST sheffield schools now have uniformed dress.


However, I think billy blade is right in saying that if a group of white youths attacked a group of black or other ethnicity children they would be branded racist... or it was a racists attack. They'd probably be right too.


But when it happens in reverse, even tho it's still probably racially motivated, it's not classed as so.


Double standards if you ask me. However with that in mind, without having read the article, know the facts I can't say either way.

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Originally posted by alchresearch

Definetly. I don't know your colour Zamo, but if you are white and I said your comments were rubbish and you weren't welcome on here, it would be seen as criticism, but if you were black, would I get jumped on for being racist?


BTW your comments ARE good and you ARE welcome!

Yeah it's fair to say Zamo is a white guy.


OK he's a southerner but we wont hold it against him!


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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I have been involved in some of those battles! He he!


V.O.T.... V.O.T.... V.O.T... sorry got nestalgic there for a sec!


These battles used to go on in the 70's and 80's, when I was at Newfield again not a posh school same as Valley really, not that I used to be involved just remember on the last day of term, a gang of kids marching on the school.



Nestalgic?? You getting a bit broody?

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Originally posted by max

Spot on Zamo, you shouldn't speak for others.

Sorry Sir. I think what I was doing was what is known as "reading between the lines".


Originally posted by max

Why has this thread degenerated into yet another rant about race? [/b]

Two things:

1. If you were in possession of the "reading between the lines” skill, you would have realised that this thread start out about race.


2. Even if a topic of discussion does turn to the issue of race, why do you see this as a "degeneration"? Will not the conquering of our caveman instinct to fear and distrust strangers (different races, cultures, beliefs) be the key to a stable and peaceful world? Isn't the only way to achieve this through discussion? Why do you feel so uncomfortable talking about it?


Originally posted by max

In typical fashion no facts have been used to justify anyone's position just innuendo. If the person whose daughter witnessed the attack wants us to know what really happened then why hasn't he told us what she saw? Yet again, innuendo and unsubstantiated anecdotes. Obviously, I'll take it back if the witness is willing to make a statement to the police and we actually see some facts. [/b]

Why does his daughter need to make a statement to the police? I don't think the police have any shortage of witness statements and there was also CCTV footage.


The reason race was brought up by billieblade is because it wasn’t mentioned in the press article and therefore isn’t being viewed by the police as a racially motivated crime. This highlights a possible disparity in how race hate cases are classified because had the racial roles been reversed it would have been viewed as racially motivated. This comment is prompted by the fact that billyblade's daughter (who attends the school) informs him that it was a non-white attack on whites. I’m not sure what sort of "innuendos" you think are being implied? There are racists in all races.


All that I am imply - no, stating - is that if we only ever label white on black crime as racist then we risk alienating (some) white people and inadvertently encourage racist feelings. Read billyblades original posting again and you will see what I mean.


Originally posted by max

But really Zamo, why do you read so much into what isn't written?[/b]

I don't think I read too much into things. Why do I have to form an opinion based on the "facts" as written in one press article? Why can't I used information provided from other sources and draw on my own experiences and observations?


Originally posted by max

Incidentally, if you are talking for billyblade then what does he mean by no longer letting people live and let live? [/b]

It's just an angry 'throw-away' statement - shouldn't try to read too much into it if I was you. Remember Max, if you really want to steer someone away from the ‘dark side’ then you need to gentle persuade. If all you do is look for excuses to label them racist in order to dismiss their views, then you will only achieve the opposite.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Don't know what started it - I've never known the two to get on. Best thing is - I used to be in the middle of it all while I was at Valley then when Valley closed and I went to Meadowhead beef started between us and Newfield. So I ended up in the middle of it again - yay :rolleyes:


What years were you at Gleadless Valley? I was there 1987-1992, if you were there during that period it's possible I might know you....

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