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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Sorry, dont know how to cut and paste like a lot of the people on here!


Apparently my debating skills do not match up to your standards.

(cannot believe that statement what a lot of fu....g snobs)


Probably my grammer is not up to much either (shes dead actually hit by a bus on Beumont Road) Is this a site for local chat without everyone being paranoid about every statement, or as it seems a left wing elitist cyber state peopled by......oh forgot not allowed to say anything.


If ya dont want me on the board, tell me to pi ss off


On a more serious note, there is a serious undercurrent of unrest in this country among people who would never ever dream of criticising anyone for there religion ,colour etc. England is probably one of the most tolerant nations on this planet But strange as it may seem its the politically correct ..social workers..teachers..left wing politicians who are driving people towards extremism because you dont want to allow me and others to say what I think without me being branded as racist.


I am going to save the twist in this particular tale till last.


Or I might just not bother.







The choice is yours

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I remember I went to a "re-union" at Gleadless Valley back in 1995 just before it went to that great schoolyard in the sky.... not much of a re-union, apart from the mother of this lass called Michelle who used to be in my class, there was only me who turned up for it...


It also took me bloody 3 HOURS to get back to Walkley from Norton as I couldn't remember where the bus stop was to get the 48 back in to town, and spent aaaaaaaaages waiting on the wrong side of the road for a bus that went totally in the opposite direction to where I wanted to go cos I had a vague memory of the number 2 circular bus going through to the bottom of Stannington Road from Norton from the bottom of Bunting Nook, I thought it would be quicker going that way than going through town :(

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Originally posted by billyblade

Whats the thing with uniforms then eh? never mentioned it, my daughter was wearing normal clothes so remember you brought that up first . And whats the thing about walking about in 'Hallam' about? chip on shoulder I reckon. Probably lost mine when I left Hucklow Rd and then Pipworth Road juniors. Now live and walk about in Hallam.

Theres no thing about school uniforms and i am aware you never mentioned it,,I did.

What i,m saying is i don't know the facts as i have not read the article, so not knowing your daughter was attacked by ethnic minority i persumed it was just yobs and looking to pick a fight with another scolar therefor just trying to pinpoint any cause for the attack.

I can assure you i do not have a thing for school uniforms. .

So why do you think i have a chip on my shoulder about Hallam.

Perhaps you could explain that a bit more clearly.


Who cares if you live in Hallam, good luck is what i say, i would'nt want to live there i'm happy in Longley, very happy.


Also the article never mentioned about racism either so why would i know the answer to your original thread.

I just replied to your thread and you insiuate i,m some sort of Peodophile obsessed with school uniforms.


I do agree with what some one said later in this thread (DB I think) that if the tables were reversed there would be an outcry.

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Originally posted by Chloe

Cycleracer!! :P

I live on the Manor PARK, not the Manor or Wybourn!

I went to All Saints while most of the others round here went to Waltheof, Myrtle or City. I had to wear a uniform... shirt, skirt, tie, job lot and never really had any abuse from anyone. Except the odd bit of banter about Bible Bashing, but I know I'm not religious so who gives a t0$$

You're all just jealous that I live in the best part of Sheffield... so there! :P


Oh i,m sure you do:thumbsup: and i am jealous..So there.:bigsmile:
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Perhaps the people who rule this board, fnkyskny,abby, max


could start a new category entitled 'pompous comments' why on


earth would I respond to a comment like PLEASE EXPLAIN


YOURSELF , as though Im cringing at the back of the class!


Here goes although I dont see why I need to: I said that my


daughter was not wearing a uniform at the time. YOU have said


more or less that I was insinuating that you had something about


school uniforms which I didnt as anyone who reads the thread


carefully can tell.


Paranoia can destroy people.



p.s. Ive been told that I dont know how to debate, have Max or any of the other rulers mentioned anything to you yet? No I didnt think so as you seem to p..s in the same pot

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Don't worry billyblade, you'll get used to it. You're not allowed to have opinions based on your own experience and feelings, only opinions based on facts and stats that have been (suitably twisted and manipulated to appeal to lefties) used in the Guardian. Other newspapers are invalid - not just tabloids, just any that don't have a left wing political agenda.

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Originally posted by billyblade

Perhaps the people who rule this board, fnkyskny,abby, max


could start a new category entitled 'pompous comments' why on


earth would I respond to a comment like PLEASE EXPLAIN


YOURSELF , as though Im cringing at the back of the class!


Here goes although I dont see why I need to: I said that my


daughter was not wearing a uniform at the time. YOU have said


more or less that I was insinuating that you had something about


school uniforms which I didnt as anyone who reads the thread


carefully can tell.


Paranoia can destroy people.



p.s. Ive been told that I dont know how to debate, have Max or any of the other rulers mentioned anything to you yet? No I didnt think so as you seem to p..s in the same pot

I think you need to go back and re-read your thread Billyblade.

You said I know why your daughter was attacked, I said that was news to me as i did not know why your daughter was attacked.

You assumed infact insisted that i knew so i asked you to explain.

So i am insinuating that you said i have a thing about school uniforms.

Are you saying i,m making that up, again read your own thread.

I agree with Max that if you start debate then learn to understand others opinions and don't assume that everyones going to agree the same opinion or understand your exact intention about your thread.

Go and read your thread again then read my comments before you go off on the wild side.

Your looking to become another t020 which we can all do without.

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I give up, i really do.

OK last post from me on this thread.

Yes I did mention uniforms, i am not denying that.

The whole point is you said whats this thing about uniforms eh?.

The uniforms are not the issue, the attack is so why trundle off the thread on my first reply and loose it or me mentioning uniforms.

Ok we can go on for ever on this so you win and i'll shut up and hope you daughter is alright as its her that matters after all and as a father myself i know what its like when your offspring are attacked, i have been through it all myself.

Regards to your daughter and lets live and let live.

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