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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Become another t020 ,


Not possible, we are all different, entitled to our own opinions .But it seems that if they differ from yours cyclist and the rulers (for you seem to be a hanger on and just follow others when the boot goes in).

Im trying to think of a book that I read about a young girl growing up in China. When I remember the name of it I will tell you all. But she was taught from an early age what to think not how to think


I think that the rulers of this board would like that kind of state. i.e. lots of followers, hangers on that creep around them at every opportunity .No way are you allowed to have a different opinion or if you do you can hear the screams over the computer.


Im not surprised that you made your last post the ending of the subject for you are a bottleless person indeed

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Hmm, just changed my mind.

I hide behind whome exactly.

Bottleless am I, you know me do you, well if you did you would know i,m not as bottleless as you think.

I came back with a genuine reply to your thread and you turned my reply into a personal vendetter.

When i put you streight you made your own matters worst by continuing to stick the boot into me.

Hense your user name you sound just like one of those football hooligans , it fits well.

I have no problem with your thread but i do have a problem with your attitude when all i did was to try and look into the reason why the attack happened and you replied to me as if i should know what happened and my reply seems to have set you on a mission to kick the a***s of anyone who disagrees with you.

If you don't want other peoples views don't post.

Its that simple.......no doubt we will cross paths again on this forum and if i have to avoid posting a reply to your threads in fear that you will make an issue and rant and rave everytime then maybe they won't.

Your argument is lost and even though you continue to point the gun at me and other forum users I would be carefull it does'nt backfire.

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Thats it,


Wild Swans. Chinese girl growing up not allowed to think anything but the party line . No internet connections in those days

but if there was ...goodness knows how she would have fared dare to speak your mind! In the last week alone I am considered : racist (despite having freinds of virtually every colour)

Illiterate (maybe , others can judge that i.e. the many teachers on this board) Debating skills no good (f..k question time then) and for good measure a football hooligan! nice one whoever dreamed that one up. Like Ive said in a previous post the best bit will be saved till last then the prancing left wing liberals will be kissing my ass.



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Doubt it.

You twist everything that is said to you and make it as though everyone is having a go at you but how wrong you are.

Instead of ranting on with pathetic jestures and unfounded rubbish take a long good look back from the start of this thread and read it carefully.

There are no forum members calling you what you described, just merely pointing out views and you seem to self destruct every time anyone says anything.

I also asked how your daughter was after her attack which was an important question put to you but you failed to answer that, and rather than tell me her welfare you continue to get all paranoid.



I am genuinely interested and care especially about Children and I really do hope she is OK and hope it has not put her off seeking whatever it is she wants to do.


Forget about what you think about me and others on this forum its not important, what is important is that your daughter has recovered from her ordeal and is unharmed.

Please let me know and pass on my regards.



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Originally posted by billyblade

Mikey you are not in a classroom now talking to ten year olds, chill out has not been used since the seventies.


Take it or leave it pal:thumbsup:

Thats funny my kids use that phrase all the time so maybe its made a comeback. :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by billyblade

In the last week alone I am considered : racist (despite having freinds of virtually every colour)

Illiterate (maybe , others can judge that i.e. the many teachers on this board) Debating skills no good (f..k question time then) and for good measure a football hooligan!



Bill, mate, you obviously have not grasped the concept of debating on this forum. You're far too controversial, which comes with having an opinion of your own. Get real, you have to say what 'they' want hear, not what you want them to hear. Stick to these simple guidelines and you should be okay.


It took me a while to catch on, I must admit, but I have now realised the following:-


I'm white, so I must be racist.


I'm male, so I must be sexist.


I'm a football supporter so, therefore, I must be a hooligan.


Oh yeah, and I didn't go to University, so I must be a total retard who has nothing worthwhile to say anyway.


Now you might find it hard to accept this in your own case, but it's quite easy for me. I was brought up in a scummy council estate nowhere near the Hallam constituency, and I also come from a broken home, so I must be a piece of low-life working class scum, cause I've had it drummed into me for years by people who I've now come to respect as my superiors.


Know your place in the social scheme of things and deal with it. I don't try to aspire to anything. I haven't got the wit or intelligence, so why bother?

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