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Sheffield Star - attack on school children


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Originally posted by Houdi

Bill, mate, you obviously have not grasped the concept of debating on this forum. You're far too controversial, which comes with having an opinion of your own. Get real, you have to say what 'they' want hear, not what you want them to hear. Stick to these simple guidelines and you should be okay.


It took me a while to catch on, I must admit, but I have now realised the following:-


I'm white, so I must be racist.


I'm male, so I must be sexist.


I'm a football supporter so, therefore, I must be a hooligan.


Agree with that part of your post. It does seem that if one doesn't hold a left wing, socialist, do-gooder position on most issues then one is treated like a lower form of life. Opinions don't seem to be allowed on here - only if they can be backed up with 'cast iron' (manipulated) statistics found on the left wing pages of the Do Gooder, sorry, Guardian. Any personal experiences or generalisations are immediately rendered invalid.


As for the second part of your post, Bill is from Crosspool and therefore lives in the Hallam constituency so I'm not sure what you're getting at really. Most of the do-gooders are teachers, and I suspect Max could be married to one but I'm not entirely sure. Either way, this forum is fast becoming a place of censorship and left-only views.

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Would it be better to have a new thread under something like freedom of speech or the lack of it, in what I was brought up to believe is a democracy but am beginning to realise is not .


Plus can I be a moderator? gi us a job. Its easy !what you do is tell people to chill out or bar them when you dont like what they say or even wipe out postings.


Better idea, lets all buy the same coloured uniforms with little caps, and party badges.Agree to the same things or else be sent to a prison.



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Originally posted by t020

Agree with that part of your post. It does seem that if one doesn't hold a left wing, socialist, do-gooder position on most issues then one is treated like a lower form of life. Opinions don't seem to be allowed on here - only if they can be backed up with 'cast iron' (manipulated) statistics found on the left wing pages of the Do Gooder, sorry, Guardian. Any personal experiences or generalisations are immediately rendered invalid...

Either way, this forum is fast becoming a place of censorship and left-only views.


I tend to agree t0 - but please don't confuse all left-wingers with the politically correct.

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Originally posted by t020

Agree with that part of your post. It does seem that if one doesn't hold a left wing, socialist, do-gooder position on most issues then one is treated like a lower form of life. Opinions don't seem to be allowed on here - only if they can be backed up with 'cast iron' (manipulated) statistics found on the left wing pages of the Do Gooder, sorry, Guardian. Any personal experiences or generalisations are immediately rendered invalid.


As for the second part of your post, Bill is from Crosspool and therefore lives in the Hallam constituency so I'm not sure what you're getting at really. Most of the do-gooders are teachers, and I suspect Max could be married to one but I'm not entirely sure. Either way, this forum is fast becoming a place of censorship and left-only views.

t020 The other day you said people with low IQ should not be given air time on the radio, now we can't have it both ways can we or are you just the hypicrit i took you for in the first place.:loopy:
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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

t020 The other day you said people with low IQ should not be given air time on the radio, now we can't have it both ways can we or are you just the hypicrit i took you for in the first place.:loopy:


Not sure if you mean I've got a low IQ or not, but I can't disagree with you there. I cartainly have got a low IQ, but then I was made for sh**ging and not studying.


Think you're being rather unfair to t020 though.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

t020 The other day you said people with low IQ should not be given air time on the radio, now we can't have it both ways can we or are you just the hypicrit i took you for in the first place.:loopy:


Don't see what you're trying to say here, Cycleracer. The other day, I said Nick Margerrison should give thicker people less air time because they couldn't debate well. That doesn't make their opinions any less valid, it just doesn't make for very good radio. Who exactly are you implying has a low IQ, cycleracer? Are you saying that people of a left-wing political persuasion have more intelligence? If you are, then you're talking absolute nonsense.

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Thats funny Houdi!


Must agree, its better and easier than a crossword (better say the Guardian just to keep on the right side of the politburo).

I enjoyed not going to school and then not on to university and now reaping the rewards by being thick.



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