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Goodbye Capitalism, Hello Feudal Fascism?

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I must admit, I only came across the term 'Feudal Fascism' yesterday so I'm far from an expert on the subject, but there are some interesting opinions regarding it on the internet at the moment and I wondered what the more politically aware Sheff forummers think about this.


According to Wiki- "Feudal Fascism was the official term used by the post-Mao Chinese Communist Party to designate the ideology and rule of the 'Gang of Four' during the Cultural Revolution."


So, despite being an apparent marriage of very different ideologies it has existed and seems to represent a society in which the nation state is decentralised and weak, whilst political localism is very strong and is organised around corporatist networks and agendas.


Feudalism suggests a strongly hierarchical community with an elaborate system of rights and responsibilities, those at the bottom having the least of both and vice versa. It seems, from history, to be the outcome of a state that suffers a severe socio-political and economic collapse.

Fascism, in this case, appears to represent the Orwellian police state corporatist soviet-style system rather than the Nazi militaristic/ racist agenda, although Islamophobia may play a role.


So why am I interested in Feudal Fascism? Well Vince Cable has recently accused high level members of the coalition government of being a 'Gang of Four' in Maoist tradition (1). Cameron's 'Big Society' certainly puts me in mind of feudalism, the planned mass sell-off of publicly owned services and land (2) feeds into a strong fascist agenda and I was also reminded of a talk by Brian Gerrish in 2007 about an 'educational charity' called Common Purpose which aimed to network business people across the UK and make them into effective community leaders, which is effectively fascism (3).


So my question is- could the UK be heading for feudal fascism as industrialised capitalism fails?


(1) The Vince Cable story on the BBC-



(2) Forestry Commission land sell-off



Everything else





(3) The truth about Common Purpose-


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Is the UK heading for a revisionist fantasy created by the CCP to perpetuate the fantasy that Mao wasn't a genocidal murderer?


Er, no. We're not.


CCP? Is your opinion based upon anything more valid than reactionary comment? If so, could you elaborate for me- I'm genuinely interested.

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CCP? Is your opinion based upon anything more valid than reactionary comment? If so, could you elaborate for me- I'm genuinely interested.


CCP = Chinese Communist Party. My opinion is based on reasonably extensive reading on Maoist China. "Feudal Fascism" never actually existed, it was an invented name for an invented concept. Mao ran the show, he made the decisions. The "gang of four" carried out his orders, as did those who later invented the "Feudal Fascism" concept and tried to rewrite history and present Mao (and themselves) as innocent of the crimes they committed during the cultural revolution.


So no, we're not going to do something that never actually existed. If you're interested in China during this period I can highly recomend Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang.

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Thanks for the reading suggestion, I'll follow that up.


I also accept your point that feudal fascism was a perjorative ex-post-facto term for the Maoist regime, I should perhaps have made that clearer, but, in truth, I'm more interested in the UK system than Chinese Communist history at the moment.


Taking the starting point that Feudal Fascism is a concept of an ideology (and ignoring, for now, it's perjorative associations with an historical Chinese state) how accurate a description do you think it is of UK politics heading into the near future? If you think it's innaccurate what evidence makes you think so? Also why do you think Vince Cable described members of his own coalition government as a 'Gang of Four'?


I do know from your previous posts that your politics are very different from mine, but I'm hoping you can provide something that will ease or braoden my mind a little from this impending sense of doom I currently feel regarding UK politics.

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Thanks for the reading suggestion, I'll follow that up.


I also accept your point that feudal fascism was a perjorative ex-post-facto term for the Maoist regime, I should perhaps have made that clearer, but, in truth, I'm more interested in the UK system than Chinese Communist history at the moment.


Taking the starting point that Feudal Fascism is a concept of an ideology (and ignoring, for now, it's perjorative associations with an historical Chinese state) how accurate a description do you think it is of UK politics heading into the near future? If you think it's innaccurate what evidence makes you think so? Also why do you think Vince Cable described members of his own coalition government as a 'Gang of Four'?


I do know from your previous posts that your politics are very different from mine, but I'm hoping you can provide something that will ease or braoden my mind a little from this impending sense of doom I currently feel regarding UK politics.


Politically other than having, through their lying islington-centric focus group obsessed spin machine "ban everything" authoritarian arrogance and general warmongering, been driven to loathe and depise the labour party I'm pretty open minded. Which is why I like the idea of a coalition between the right and left of politics that we have now.


The whole basis of Maoism was one man makes the calls (see North Korea now). That is clearly not remotely possible in a coalition government. Even key decisions like whether to sack Cable for his stupid comments are subject to discussion at the least between the PM and deputy PM.


Changes need to be made, not for the idealogical change for changes sake we saw with labour but because we're skint and paying a fortune in interest so cuts have to be made. By having two parties with some convergent views but also many opposing views you get negotiation and debate and compromise, all things which are diametrically opposed to maoist policy.


Cables gang of 4 comment was one of several rather silly comments he's made showing off to a constituent, for example his deluded belief he holds a nuclear option to bring the government down. Rather embarrassing for him and hopefully now he realises his nuclear weapon is a wet firework and will shut up and get on with what remains of his job. The man overestimated his importance, I think he's been very lucky to keep his job and that job is now what he will hopefully focus his energies on.


It's a difficult time, difficult decisions need to be made and I think we all need to be a bit grown up about it and accepted we'll all take a hit in one way or another.

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"neofeudalism" - where the banks (investment, insurance, hedge, they have all sorts of guises) own us all (in the shape of personal, corporate and national debt) that's OWN US, ALL and tell us all what to do (ie give them all our money for naff all in exchange and work harder for less wages)


we doomed

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I must admit, I only came across the term 'Feudal Fascism' yesterday so I'm far from an expert on the subject, but there are some interesting opinions regarding it on the internet at the moment and I wondered what the more politically aware Sheff forummers think about this.


According to Wiki- "Feudal Fascism was the official term used by the post-Mao Chinese Communist Party to designate the ideology and rule of the 'Gang of Four' during the Cultural Revolution."


So, despite being an apparent marriage of very different ideologies it has existed and seems to represent a society in which the nation state is decentralised and weak, whilst political localism is very strong and is organised around corporatist networks and agendas.


Feudalism suggests a strongly hierarchical community with an elaborate system of rights and responsibilities, those at the bottom having the least of both and vice versa. It seems, from history, to be the outcome of a state that suffers a severe socio-political and economic collapse.

Fascism, in this case, appears to represent the Orwellian police state corporatist soviet-style system rather than the Nazi militaristic/ racist agenda, although Islamophobia may play a role.


So why am I interested in Feudal Fascism? Well Vince Cable has recently accused high level members of the coalition government of being a 'Gang of Four' in Maoist tradition (1). Cameron's 'Big Society' certainly puts me in mind of feudalism, the planned mass sell-off of publicly owned services and land (2) feeds into a strong fascist agenda and I was also reminded of a talk by Brian Gerrish in 2007 about an 'educational charity' called Common Purpose which aimed to network business people across the UK and make them into effective community leaders, which is effectively fascism (3).


So my question is- could the UK be heading for feudal fascism as industrialised capitalism fails?


(1) The Vince Cable story on the BBC-



(2) Forestry Commission land sell-off



Everything else





(3) The truth about Common Purpose-


Arr the Fuedal system.

While we are on the subject of taking a step back, I must say that this is a real intelligent topic from a woman. :hihi:

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