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Call centres...i hate orange!

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am i being mardy with this? been with orange for years, so has hubby and most of family due to me recommending good service and talk plans etc... read my august bill to see they have charged me for text which i should get free, so double checked july bill and same thing. i call, complain, stay on hold for 20 min to be told well call u back. to cut long miserable story short ive ended up losing 2 and half months of free text and 600 roll over min and being basically called a liar by some snotty bugger in a call centre!

grr! call centres make me mad

so ive written in to complain and im buying out of the contract...another £100+ grrrr

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Had the same trouble with T-Mobile.


I'm on a new contract and all I wanted was an explanation as to how the bill was made up. Simple? You'd have thought so.


45 minutes to get through (and then always to someone who sounds as if she's reading her English straight out of a Linguaphone book).


Two things really began to bug me:


a) on the 'press 1 for blah, press 2 for blugh' there was no option for speaking to a human being. I went down many a road, pressing one, then six, then 6000 only to end up whence I came (and that's when the blood starts to boil). Every single call centre should begin 'To speak to a human, press one'. No chance and their website didn't tell you how to do it either!


All I can deduce from that it that they don't want to speak to their customers - plain and simple.


b) the 'music' they played whilst on hold I likened to sounding like Yoko Ono giving birth. It was incredibly painful. Another device that might lead to the caller deciding to put the phone down (and I bet it works).


I eventually got through - I've no idea how - and as far as I can tell I got cut off.


A sad state of affairs indeed. I emailed my complaint only to receive the usual 'our customers are important' standard bull**** that they flannel us with time and again.

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Originally posted by NatalieSheff

im just mad cant believe how been treated i spend over £100 each month! as does my sis and my hub spends lots as its for business too. five years ive being loyal! think im off to o2

and yes, the music sucks!! hehe!


no no no no no please not O2! Honestly they're much much worse their customer service is appalling.

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So we shouldn't ue Orange (their tariffs are pants anyway), T-Mobile (though I got an online bargain) or o2. Which leaves us with Vodafone (tariffs worse than orange) or 3 (poor coverage and crap phones).


Hmmm, not much of a market is it?

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I had problems with Orange before and left. I certainly wouldn't recommend them to anybody else! O2 and Vodafone I've had no problems with. 3... well, don't even go there!


My problem with Orange a few years back was that I had a really cheap personal contract with them - about 15quid for 1000 free off peak minutes - which I never went outside of so consistently had a small bill each month.


Then, one month my bill was in the region of £700. After the initial shock, and re-reading it, it appeared they had billed me for my contract (15quid) plus about 6 other handsets, which belonged to a company - they had some kind of combined business tariff which had all their reps numbers on one bill.


They had sent me an itemised bill, so I got all the numbers their reps called (it turned out to be a civil engineering firm).


After a call to orange, explaining that I am not a business, and don't have 7 contracts with them they said it would be sorted out - but that I should send off payment for my part of the bill (luckily this wasn't set up via direct debit!).


Well, the next months bill comes, and the same thing happens again - another £700+ bill. Call up, and they say it will be fixed, same as last time.


Well, later in the month the nasty calls start from their debt collection people. Call orange, tell them to fix it. They say they will.


Then the phone gets cut off due to non payment of (someone elses') £700+ bill. Call orange again. Will reconnect the phone within a week. Shout at orange. Phone is reconected within 15minutes.


Recieve another call about unpaid bill.


Call orange again, and explain again. Told will be fixed, and cost of calls to orange I have made (£30+) will be refunded.


Send letter to orange, threatening legal action due to failure to meet contract, loss of service due to their mistakes, wasted time, possibility of credit blacklisting etc.


Problem is solved, cost of calling refunded.


I think the letter did the trick, as it is something they had to sit and deal with, which their call centre just didn't do.


The other thing was, as they had breached their contract with me I would have been within my rights to leave there and then so they actually did something once leaving was threatened.

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