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Your one favourite thing about christmas time

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Cheer up ya misserable so and so, even you must like Christmas in between revolutionary socialism and deleting stuff on here :P




Happy Christmas Sibon :)


I do like some things about it. The lights are great and I love the Sally Army playing Christmas carols when I'm in town. I can't stand the enforced jolliness, or all the false love that goes with it though.


Happy Christmas yourself andygardner, you've been an excellent addition to the forum in the last few months.


Now, where did I put that delete button... :D

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I love christmas decorations, christmas dinner, snow, long walks in the cold, and seeing people being happy and cheerful and spending time with my family.

Oh and i also like christmas telly, singing christmas carols, last minute present buying (sometimes i leave it late because i enjoy the randomness of the gifts i buy), and attempting to deliver all the presents on christmas eve.

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I love christmas decorations, christmas dinner, snow, long walks in the cold, and seeing people being happy and cheerful and spending time with my family.

Oh and i also like christmas telly, singing christmas carols, last minute present buying (sometimes i leave it late because i enjoy the randomness of the gifts i buy), and attempting to deliver all the presents on christmas eve.


Whoops that's rather more than 1:D

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The Nativity plays in schools - and the kids singing Christmas Carols.


Oh, and the Noel Edmunds Christmas Present programme on the telly!


My first class did their nativity this year - it was so cute. The moment that got me was looking round and catching some of the mums and dads faces *gulp*!


I can't stand that noel edmunds thing - makes me and my mum cry so my dad banned it!!

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