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Christmas is a lie posters

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Don't believe the nonsense you read in those atheist tracts. The authors mostly know no history.


All the best,


Roger Pearse

its funny that, whenever the bad points of chritianity comes up its we dont know, ignore it

but over the past few years all us none muslims have become experts on islam :suspect:

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some may not push as much as others but i bet you top dollar theyd want to gain more more more followers, thats the name of the game


why do think the jesus army target vunerable people on the streets? why do you think the mormons and jehovas witnesses go round the houses? to push their wares

theyd all love to be the numero uno religion in the world, contry to what some would have us believe its not ALL the preserve of the muslims


Mormons and jehovas witnesses only want you wealth, that's why the prey on older folk i.e. to get their worldly goods when they die. It's a little bit different that creating a religion to go out and conquer the world by force.

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some may not push as much as others but i bet you top dollar theyd want to gain more more more followers, thats the name of the game


why do think the jesus army target vunerable people on the streets? why do you think the mormons and jehovas witnesses go round the houses? to push their wares

theyd all love to be the numero uno religion in the world, contry to what some would have us believe its not ALL the preserve of the muslims



You conventiently forgot to mention the Salvation Army. What's your opinion of them? They do an immense amount of work to feed, clothe and shelter the unfortunates. You can see them outside post offices at Christmas collecting money. They are a bona fide organisation with Christian beliefs and do good work.


Perhaps you could provide a list of atheist and Muslim organisations that do the same kind of work


The Christian missions in Africa do much the same kind of work as well as providing hospital care for the indigenous people who are left to live in feudal conditions by their corrupt and rotten leaders.

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You conventiently forgot to mention the Salvation Army. What's your opinion of them? They do an immense amount of work to feed, clothe and shelter the unfortunates. You can see them outside post offices at Christmas collecting money. They are a bona fide organisation with Christian beliefs and do good work.


Perhaps you could provide a list of atheist and Muslim organisations that do the same kind of work


The Christian missions in Africa do much the same kind of work as well as providing hospital care for the indigenous people who are left to live in feudal conditions by their corrupt and rotten leaders.

sorry for not mentioning every religion / religious group in existance ever but i

never said they dont do good work, but they DO push THEIR religion towards others too hoping to grab new converts.


oh is this bit where all other religions good, islam bad? not one poitive aspect of islam exists? im sure islamic organisations do good work too around the world

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sorry for not mentioning every religion / religious group in existance ever but i

never said they dont do good work, but they DO push THEIR religion towards others too hoping to grab new converts.


oh is this bit where all other religions good, islam bad? not one poitive aspect of islam exists? im sure islamic organisations do good work too around the world


Glad to see that you acknowledge the more positive aspects of Christianity. I sometimes feel compelled to put in the occasianal good word since they are generally the target of the atheist faction on the forum.


There is a fairly large Mormon community where I live and I've met several Mormons over the years and worked with a few. They may pay tithes to the their church but they take care of their own. You'll never see a Mormon begging on the streets or abusing alcohol or taking drugs


As for the Jehovas they can be and are something of an annoyance with their practice of swooping down on neigbourhoods and subjecting people to their views which I heartily disagree with.

However, to me they are comparable to any other kind of people who try to sell products by telephone or politicians calling at election time.

I dont allow myself to start frothing at the mouth at such times. They are merely little more than a minor nuisance

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sorry for not mentioning every religion / religious group in existance ever but i

never said they dont do good work, but they DO push THEIR religion towards others too hoping to grab new converts.


oh is this bit where all other religions good, islam bad? not one poitive aspect of islam exists? im sure islamic organisations do good work too around the world


The top and bottom of it is that to be a Buddist you follow the teaching of Siddhārtha Gautama, to be a Muslim you follow the teaching of Mohammed and if you don't I cannot see how you can call yourself a follower of those religions. Likewise being a Christian means you follow the teaching of Jesus Christ who never said to do any of the things you mention.


I don't mind what religion people follow or none at all as long as they live peaceful lives. There are many atheists in any army and in the governments who declare war on other people and atheists probably form the majority but for me you cannot beat Christianity.


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The top and bottom of it is that to be a Buddist you follow the teaching of Siddhārtha Gautama, to be a Muslim you follow the teaching of Mohammed and if you don't I cannot see how you can call yourself a follower of those religions. Likewise being a Christian means you follow the teaching of Jesus Christ who never said to do any of the things you mention.


I don't mind what religion people follow or none at all as long as they live peaceful lives. There are many atheists in any army and in the governments who declare war on other people and atheists probably form the majority but for me you cannot beat Christianity.


Not to many atheists in the Marine unit I served in. Sure, there were the barrack room intellectuals who were fond of professing their atheism while we were at the training depot but once overseas and confronted with the very real possibility of mortality they all seemed to suddeny disappear

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It doesn't.


Islam respects the free will of anyone to make his/her own choice of beliefs and faiths. Muslims never used violence or force to push non Muslims to convert to Islam. Muslims were in control of India over one thousand years and never obliged Indians to convert to Islam. The same is true in Spain. The spread of Islam was (and till present) through free will of people.




A verse in the Quran says, [Chapter 5, verse 32], that "anyone who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind and anyone who has killed another person (except in lieu of murder or mischief on earth) it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind."


Similar to the Talmud quote on the ring given to Oskar Schindler.


My bold - whilst that may be true in the historical contexts you have written, I'm sure it doesn't escape you either that today in many countries where Islam is dominant, people are forcibly converted, apostates punished severely including death, non-Muslims have to pay extra taxes, school children taught to equate non-Muslims with animals etc etc.

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