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190 wasn't a question. 196 was asking about things like Ireland and the Crusades. We have discussed this before particuarally the Irish question which was political.


You need to understand that people use labels that may not be accurate, for example people in the east think of the western world as being Christian, but you have just told me that is not correct.


OK in post 190 I was asking you to respond to 187 and you didn't answer the question I asked in 196 either. Read the questions again answer the question asked in a direct way:roll:

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That isn't quite true. Pagans worshipped round the Yew Tree. There was nothing to demolish and no one destroyed the Yew trees, ask the medieval archers.


By the way, a Saxon church was only small and plain.


Your right the Irish Roman Catholics only built next to Pagan places of worship!

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OK in post 190 I was asking you to respond to 187 and you didn't answer the question I asked in 196 either. Read the questions again answer the question asked in a direct way:roll:


The Jewish connection to Jerusalem is an ancient and powerful one. Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion 154 times. All over the world Christians sing the hymn Jerusalem. However in Islam Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an a single time, it is not once mentioned in prayers, it is not the place to which they pray, it never served as capital of a sovereign Muslim state, and it never became a cultural or scholarly centre. Yet pursuing Muslim expansionism that led to the Crusades, the Muslim army of Omar conquered Jerusalem, in 638. There they built the Dome of the Rock, followed by the al-Aqsa mosque nearby. Today that expansionism continues, Muslims are taking over the birthright of the Jews, much of the ancient city Jerusalem is being destroyed by Muslim building works and the Jews feel threatened and are distraught by the devastation around them.


It was this same Muslim expansionism that led the Crusaders to the Holy Land and Jerusalem. Their first objective was to ensure the safety of pilgrims visiting the tomb of Christ in Jerusalem and to establish Christian rule in Palestine which had always been the home of Jews and Christians alike. To do this it was necessary to check the spread of Islam, to retake control of the Holy Land, to conquer pagan areas, to quell heretical Christians in Europe itself and to recapture former Christian territories. The European nations joined forces to achieve these aims against the Muslims.


Previously the mild rule of the early Saracens had for centuries allowed a Christian protectorate, first established under Charlemagne, to exist in Jerusalem, and many monarchs, including our own Alfred, sent offerings to the holy places. But this was ended in 1010 by the fanatical caliph, Hakim, who destroyed the sanctuary. The protectorate passed in 1021 to the Greek Church and in 1071 the Saracens were themselves overcome by a rougher tribe, the Seljukian Turks.


Christian pilgrimage became difficult and dangerous, and in 1095 the appeals of Pope Urban II., seconded by the preaching of Peter the Hermit, led to the undertaking of an enterprise which in various forms had already been proposed by more than one pontiff. The turbulent warriors of Europe received a new impulse. Instead of being restrained by the Church with peaceful admonitions, as in the institution of the Truce of God, their warlike ardour was encouraged, organised, and dedicated to what was proclaimed to be the highest and holiest service. The Deus vult of Clermont found its echo in the hearts of princes and commoners alike. In 1095 several undisciplined hosts including those of Walter the Penniless I and Peter the Hermit, set out for the East but perished on the way.


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By the way, a Saxon church was only small and plain.


Which your lot squashed and built over in order to subjucate the masses.


Pagans worshipped round the Yew Tree.


You're making the same mistake that you make when discussing islam (attributing a method to all followers, when only some act in certain ways).

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Which your lot squashed and built over in order to subjucate the masses.


You're making the same mistake that you make when discussing islam (attributing a method to all followers, when only some act in certain ways).


Don't be silly. People become Christians of their own free will.


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The Jewish connection to Jerusalem is an ancient and powerful one.<snip>


Try again, in you own words, not cut and pasted from a biased blogg (which is where you got your text from - http://biblebasedchristianity.blogspot.com/2008/08/crusades.html).


You've been warned before about plagarism and not quoting your sources.

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