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Christmas is a lie posters

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That institution had an internationally coordinated decades long policy of pressuring child rape victims to be silent, shielding the paedophiles from the authorities whilst quietly moving them into new jobs where they had access to fresh children to rape. That institution is still fighting with all it's considerable might the world over the protect paedophile priests who it did so much to enable from being brought to account for their crimes. The Catholic Church "demonised" itself.


There is simply no equivalence between criticising a specific institution for a well documented conspiracy which effectively enabled the rape of children and a delusional, generalised attack on our shared national culture and you make yourself look rather silly by trying to pretend there is.




The incidents of paedophilia in the catholic church are no more common than in any other organisation.


On anything to do with religion you are unreliable.

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That institution had an internationally coordinated decades long policy of pressuring child rape victims to be silent, shielding the paedophiles from the authorities whilst quietly moving them into new jobs where they had access to fresh children to rape. That institution is still fighting with all it's considerable might the world over the protect paedophile priests who it did so much to enable from being brought to account for their crimes. The Catholic Church "demonised" itself.


There is simply no equivalence between criticising a specific institution for a well documented conspiracy which effectively enabled the rape of children and a delusional, generalised attack on our shared national culture and you make yourself look rather silly by trying to pretend there is.


I'm not going to get drawn into another daft religion debate which will only go round in circles, whether that makes me look rather silly or not I care not one bit.

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I'm not going to get drawn into another daft religion debate which will only go round in circles, whether that makes me look rather silly or not I care not one bit.


There is literally no subject into which that poster can't crowbar his irrational hatred of catholics.



"According to the posters, Christmas is also responsible for paganism"




They seem to be a bit muddled about Chrimbo.

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The incidents of paedophilia in the catholic church are no more common than in any other organisation.


On anything to do with religion you are unreliable.

And you accuse me of being "unreliable" :roll: I never said paedophilia was more common in the Catholic Church than other institution did I?


What I said is that the Catholic Church systematically attempted to silence victims, shield paedophile priests from the authorities and quietly move them onto new jobs where they all too often had access to fresh children to rape. I said it was this international conspiracy to cover up child abuse which tainted the whole institution.


Will you please respond to what I actually post other than strawmen of your own invention.

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There is literally no subject into which that poster can't crowbar his irrational hatred of catholics.

This vendatta you have against me is once again warping your mind. It was DaFoot who you are whining to about me who raised to subject of the Catholic Church's record regarding child abuse, I was simply responding to them.

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whether the media takes them seriously is kind of irrelevant isn't it? Surely it's the authorities that matter. is the guy who produced these posters at uni?

Is this guy a group?

You're not talking about a response to these posters are you...


There has been a generalised tolerance for these groups which has extended to both the media and the authorities. Morever, there is no sign that this tolerance, or indulgence, is abating (cf. the recent decision by C4 to allow assorted Islamic extremists air time, something they would never do in relation to right-wing extremists). The group associated with the production of these posters has been active in various froms at British universities for years (I suggest you read up on this).

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What I said is that the Catholic Church systematically attempted to silence victims, shield paedophile priests from the authorities and quietly move them onto new jobs where they all too often had access to fresh children to rape.


Leaving aside the slightly extreme phrasing, doesn't this amount to a general reluctance to believe unsubstantiated accusations in an era when child abuse wasn't taken seriously anywhere? And wasn't the same policy pursued by all institutions in that period?


I said it was this international conspiracy to cover up child abuse which tainted the whole institution.


And isn't it the case that the Catholic church, alone of institutions working with children, has been singled out for this treatment? Is it not the case that, when paedophiles are working as teachers, the institution as a whole is not held liable, while every attempt is made to damn the whole church for things which it condemns on religious principle and which most people could never have known much about, or felt were at all likely?


The abuse of children by those in a position of trust is an evil. But I notice that no condemnation is forthcoming against people like Peter Tatchell who has advocated that boys of 14 be made legally sexually available. So we have to ask whether all this hysteria in the press is quite sincere. The Catholics reject paedophilia, and would do so, however fashionable it became. The establishment ... well, it doesn't seem so sure.


It is a standard tactic, when you wish to diminish the moral influence of a body prior to seizing its assets, to accuse it of odious sex crimes in order to demonise it. Is this what is happening here? I notice very little effort to bring the wicked priests to justice; not compared to the effort to demonise the church as a whole.


I'm not very keen on politically motivated witchhunts, you know. Let's look beyond the story the media -- i.e. the handful of powerful people who control newspapers and TV stations -- want us to think, and reflect on what else may be involved. It's only self-preservation.


In case I am not clear; I think those priests responsible for such disgusting things should be defrocked and sent to prison for lengthy terms.


All the best,


Roger Pearse

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There has been a generalised tolerance for these groups which has extended to both the media and the authorities. Morever, there is no sign that this tolerance, or indulgence, is abating (cf. the recent decision by C4 to allow assorted Islamic extremists air time, something they would never do in relation to right-wing extremists).

Nick Griffin never got his ugly mug on TV then?

The group associated with the production of these posters has been active in various froms at British universities for years (I suggest you read up on this).


I'm still not sure though why you're concerned about media tolerance of these groups. The media don't represent the security forces...

For that matter, parts of the media are rabidly right wing themselves, so you can hardly argue that they wouldn't be tolerant of right wing extremists!

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