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Should prisoners be given a nice christmas day?

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In my opinon they are not paying enough for what they did. As for what they are still doing i cannot say on an open forum but lets put it this way...someone lost their lives at the hands of this monster and if he ever gets out then i have no doubt that other lives will be lost.


I am suprised at steelhead4 as he knows all the details of said person and has seen all the scars bot mentally and physically this person left behind :(


Then maybe he was insensitive but I am sure if so and if he is any sort of friend he would acknolwedge that and appologise.


I am sure he will get out. No one stays locked up forever unless it's serious fraud like that guy got 150 years for. Murderers get out these days after what 15 years if they are good. sometimes even less it's silly the world we " live" in

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Then maybe he was insensitivie but I am sure if so and if he is any sort of friend he would acknolwedge that and appologise.


I am sure he will get out. No one stays locked up forever unless it's serious fraud like that guy got 150 years for. Murderers get out these days after what 15 years if they are good. sometimes even less it's silly the world we " live" in


He got 25 without parole but is appealing to everyone who will listen.

I hope all the people in prison(especially him) rot there.

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Other than the few wrongly convicted miscarriages of justice, do you not agree that they have committed offences which were publicly known to be a prison-able crime, or are you saying that they didn't commit crimes?


When referring to "trivial charges", what in English law are you referring to?


As to profit, how is the system supposed to be run? Higher taxes? We're already paying higher insurance, a higher percentage cost on products due to extra security, taxes going to Police for prevention and detection and prosecution, taxes for the court system, taxes to support the victims, etc, etc, etc... Crimes costs the honest, decent people in so many ways.


But at the end of the day, this thread is about whether prisoners should be given a nice day at the taxpayers expense!


I would suggest that some people in prison deserve nothing, these are the ones who've committed horrible crimes that have hurt others.


However, I think the prison poulation numbers from 1991 to present suggest that some significant percentage of the people currently locked away would not have been imprisoned for the same crime (if it existed) in 1991.


They have been imprisoned simply because it makes the company that runs the prison more money to offer its shareholders. They have been imprisoned through corruption, itself a crime. Now why wouldn't you want to offe these people a Christmas dinner? They're the victims of circumstance in my opinion and should have been offered a more lenient punishment.


From Wiki-

The rise in the prison population has been substantially driven by harsher sentencing. In 1995, 129 people were in prison for shoplifting; in 2005, it was 1,400.




It's interesting to note that the Home Office predicted a prison population of 110,000 in 2008 (pre-recession), but we can see that the true figure post-recession is actually much lower ("only" 84,000) as credit dried up- now you tell me is this figure related to crime or profits?

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Where is your evidence that anybody in the UK has been locked up for profit? It just means that the courts are getting tougher on crime. The people in prison have made a decision to break the law and have been punished for it. I would like to be richer (like most people), but I don't want to go to prison so I don't go around robbing banks. Likewise, I have broken minor laws like speeding, been caught and have accepted the points and fine without moaning as I made the decision to break a speeding law.

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I would suggest that some people in prison deserve nothing, these are the ones who've committed horrible crimes that have hurt others.


However, I think the prison poulation numbers from 1991 to present suggest that some significant percentage of the people currently locked away would not have been imprisoned for the same crime (if it existed) in 1991.


They have been imprisoned simply because it makes the company that runs the prison more money to offer its shareholders. They have been imprisoned through corruption, itself a crime. Now why wouldn't you want to offe these people a Christmas dinner? They're the victims of circumstance in my opinion and should have been offered a more lenient punishment.


From Wiki-





It's interesting to note that the Home Office predicted a prison population of 110,000 in 2008 (pre-recession), but we can see that the true figure post-recession is actually much lower ("only" 84,000) as credit dried up- now you tell me is this figure related to crime or profits?


What are these new crimes your mentioning?


129 up to 1400 convicted for shoplifting, back in the early nineties they didn't have cameras or RFID tags, no wonder the detection and prosecution rate has risen.


As to predicted prison populous I can only speculate as I suppose can you, but if there is less spent on detection, prevention and prosecution and obviously less to spend on prisons, hence smaller populous. Also at times of hardship many communities start to pull together and help Police themselves, the things they have mean more to them!


I could supply you with a list of other things i'd spend tax money on before Christmas dinners for convicts! Maybe if they had a conscience before committing the crime they wouldn't be doing the time?

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What are these new crimes your mentioning?

129 up to 1400 convicted for shoplifting, back in the early nineties they didn't have cameras or RFID tags, no wonder the detection and prosecution rate has risen.


As to predicted prison populous I can only speculate as I suppose can you, but if there is less spent on detection, prevention and prosecution and obviously less to spend on prisons, hence smaller populous. Also at times of hardship many communities start to pull together and help Police themselves, the things they have mean more to them!


I could supply you with a list of other things i'd spend tax money on before Christmas dinners for convicts! Maybe if they had a conscience before committing the crime they wouldn't be doing the time?


My bold=


Try this link and it tells you about new crimes = http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article7061148.ece

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Where is your evidence that anybody in the UK has been locked up for profit? It just means that the courts are getting tougher on crime. The people in prison have made a decision to break the law and have been punished for it. I would like to be richer (like most people), but I don't want to go to prison so I don't go around robbing banks. Likewise, I have broken minor laws like speeding, been caught and have accepted the points and fine without moaning as I made the decision to break a speeding law.




In the modern era, the United Kingdom was the first country in all of Europe to use private prisons to hold its prisoners. Wolds Prison opened as the first privately managed prison in the UK in 1992.[1] Soon private prisons were established under the government's Private Finance Initiative, where contracts are awarded for the entire design, construction, management and finance of a prison.




Many other already established prisons are run under PFI contracts. We pay about £40,000 per prisoner per year to these companies. There is an extremely high incentive for private companies to fill their prisons quickly once constructed.

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I feel right sorry for people in prison over christmas. Nothing to really look forward to. It would be nice if they had something to open on christmas day, a nice dinner, plenty of wine and beer, a DVD of their choice and a big festive party in the evening. Then a bacon sandwich on boxing day morning.


It's not much to ask for one day of the year is it? We at least owe that much to them because we, society, creates criminals.


Proof that society creates criminals


How do we, as a society create criminals ? :loopy:

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