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Should prisoners be given a nice christmas day?

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And today we hear about prisoners wrecking and setting fire to Ford open prison when attempts were made to breathalise them. Unbelieveable that they can smuggle so much booze into the prison, they should make them sleep in tents in the burnt out buildings. Appareently there were 6 staff on duty, that smacks of cost cutting to save money.


Don't be silly, Ian.

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Of course not, but that's no reason to treat prisoners inhumanely is it?



Dont even get me started on humanity. Some people derseve to have their <REMOVED> pickled in vinegar.

What about victims.

I have a massive scar on my right thigh and half my <REMOVED> shin bone chisselled out due to some scum doing time now.

what about my rights as a victim to watch the <REMOVED> suffer for the rest of his life ike i suffer every damn single day of mine :rant:


Burn em all

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Nope , but if you slacken them off it hurts even more when you tighten them again. You of all people know I'm not soft on criminals :rant:



But does it?

Do you really think it will hurt the likes of you know who?

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I feel right sorry for people in prison over christmas. Nothing to really look forward to. It would be nice if they had something to open on christmas day, a nice dinner, plenty of wine and beer, a DVD of their choice and a big festive party in the evening. Then a bacon sandwich on boxing day morning.


It's not much to ask for one day of the year is it? We at least owe that much to them because we, society, creates criminals.


Proof that society creates criminals


You really have no idea about prisons. I reckon you're joking

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