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Should prisoners be given a nice christmas day?

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23hrs in cell 1 hhr in the yard everyday the same reabilitation on release


On the contrary, shedloads of education and training, work where appropriate, lots of family contact, treatment for mental illness and drug and alcohol addictions.

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The human condition - what it is to be human, how people feel, what they need, that kind of thing.
That is what should be the first consideration for the victims it should also be posted on the walls of the cells so that by the time the criminals have done their time it may just have sunk in (to those that canread that is.).
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That is what should be the first consideration for the victims it should also be posted on the walls of the cells so that by the time the criminals have done their time it may just have sunk in (to those that canread that is.).


From whom?

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shedloads of education and training, work where appropriate, lots of family contact, treatment for mental illness.
But these things are usualy there before criminals take the wrong road, not discounting the inbreeders and numpties from anti social ne'er dowell families of course.
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What a load of rubbish!


I've never been a criminal neither have any of my four offspring, I did my time in HMForces and came out with spotless record unlike many others but you're saying I'm responsible for those who did get put on a charge, that is an absolute load of lefty liberal rubbish.


It is not my place to go round being a social worker/police officer etc I paid my taxes and dues for those specificly employed in all the duties you list.


I do my best to obey the law I find it extremely offensive for someone like you to have the gall to tell that I'm responsible for the crimes comitted by the likes of Huntley and Sutcliffe etc.


Unlles you're a wind up merchant you are too stupid to be at liberty.


I'm not a 'wind up merchant', I was simply making the point that society as a whole is improved when the individuals within it take responsibility not only for themselves, but also for improving the lives of those around them. It wasn't a personal attack on you, I just wanted you to consider the point I was making rationally. I just don't happen to think that paying a tax to the state is enough of a contribution to society that you can expect high levels of social order in return.


You should actually understand this concept more than most being an ex-forces man as I'm sure you were trained not to look out only for yourself, but to work as a team, to look after your fellow soldiers. How well would the army for example, perform do you think, if (hypothetically) every soldier in it acted selfishly, if for example, a soldier said "well I've made safe my quota of 10 mines for the day, I've fulfilled my contribution to the army and although you guys are stuck I'm now going home- Your problem is not my problem, someone else can deal with it"? I would argue that this is your current view towards society.


All I'm saying is that if a more co-operative agenda was followed in society, if instead of turning our heads to problems and saying that we're paying our taxes, we actually looked at how we can each make small differences in other peoples lives that improved them (particularly in the areas I suggested) then I think it would gradually improve society as a whole.


There will always be a vicious criminal element in a civilised society, but it is far harder for these people to predicate on others if the social unit is a strong and cohesive team.


I doubt you'll take the time to watch but this is an excellent BBC documentary series about how individuals in society have been socially engineered over the past century or so to be deliberately selfish and competitive. Both politicians and economists believed that this would lead to a stronger social order. However, their experiment failed and the film explains the flaws in their thinking, as the theories they were relying upon were originally formulated by John Nash, who was a brilliant mathematician but who also suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.



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