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Should prisoners be given a nice christmas day?

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Don't you just love the liberal lefties who think a hug will cure everything.


Does anyone remember the story of the group of delinquent teenagers who were taken on a foreign holiday by one council. All because "They had not had one due to a tough up bringing". The group of scrotes went on to rob countless hotel rooms in the area.


Some people when shown the right path choose it, but others need a big stick waved at them to force them onto it.

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Does anyone remember the story of the group of delinquent teenagers who were taken on a foreign holiday by one council. All because "They had not had one due to a tough up bringing". The group of scrotes went on to rob countless hotel rooms in the area.

Never know quite how true stories like those are and what sort of background there is to them, but it certainly irritates me if correct. There are loads of good kids that don't get to experience such things too, but they get no special attention.

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*I bet the main reason is rejection. They have been rejected by those who should have been there for them and they have turned to crime as a result.*


Because when you stated the above, you couldn't be more wrong in some circumstances if you tried.


I'll leave it here for now and hope that your rose tinted spectacles never fail.

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