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Should prisoners be given a nice christmas day?

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Your link doesn't work, but how does society create criminals?


I don't have everything I want, but I don't steal to get better things.


Even those with nothing are given shelter, warmth, food and a little luxury by the state - how does that make society responsible for them being what they are?



Fully agree with you except the bit in bold - those with nothing are given those things but, they are provided by various charitable organisations, definitely NOT by the state.


The state, as always, does more for those in foreign lands than it does for it's own.

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The PM says stop questioning him about his posts????


No, it does says I'd rather discuss all my opinions in public.


But again, I'll leave it here.

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Don't you just love the liberal lefties who think a hug will cure everything.


Does anyone remember the story of the group of delinquent teenagers who were taken on a foreign holiday by one council. All because "They had not had one due to a tough up bringing". The group of scrotes went on to rob countless hotel rooms in the area.


Some people when shown the right path choose it, but others need a big stick waved at them to force them onto it.


Didn't Camoron once advocate 'hugging a hoodie', is he a liberal leftie too?

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I feel right sorry for people in prison over christmas. Nothing to really look forward to. It would be nice if they had something to open on christmas day, a nice dinner, plenty of wine and beer, a DVD of their choice and a big festive party in the evening. Then a bacon sandwich on boxing day morning.


It's not much to ask for one day of the year is it? We at least owe that much to them because we, society, creates criminals.


Proof that society creates criminals


I'm sure that the victims of crime would welcome that with open arms, certainly the families of murder victims won't look at the empty chair round the table thinking of the tax funded knees up that their relations murderer is enjoying.


Love to see how society creates criminals and that irritating detail known as free will is removed from the equation.

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I'm sure that the victims of crime would welcome that with open arms, certainly the families of murder victims won't look at the empty chair round the table thinking of the tax funded knees up that their relations murderer is enjoying.


Well if they're eating turkey they're not much better are they? That turkey had to be slaughtered in cold blood did it not?


Love to see how society creates criminals and that irritating detail known as free will is removed from the equation.


It's all in the link.

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Well if they're eating turkey they're not much better are they? That turkey had to be slaughtered in cold blood did it not?


It's all in the link.


Did you seriously just compare an animal slaughtered for consumption to a human victim of violent crime?


Btw, What link? It's just blue text underlined.

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Why is society the determiner of what is right and wrong?


We, as the population of the country, have to live here. To do be able to build a functioning society we need a set of rules to live by otherwise it is anarchy = strongest man/gang has everything.


Isn't that the basic premise of democracy - the majority rule for the benefit of the majority (at least in simplistic principle)?

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