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Vince Cable Is Furious

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I think Cable is annoyed because this was a honey trap. The Telegraph sent two well versed young female reporters posing as constituents who caressed his ego and he acted like most men, he started shooting his mouth off.


"he started shooting his mouth off" = He started specking the truth instead of some well rehearsed clap-trap that people have swallowed hook-line and sinker.

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It was a private conversation with a constituent not a press interview as far as Vince Cable was concerned.

He spoke what he believed to be true.

What is wrong with that.

Would his critics rather listen to a tape recording of the party line at his constituency meetings or hear what he really thinks ?

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Vince Cable is a very silly man who was thinking with his old lad instead of with his brain. He gets faced with a couple of dolly birds who he decides to try and impress with his newly found power and then get a monk on when exposed for doing what most chaps do ... Show off in front of the pretty girls.

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The man obviously believed what he was saying at the time or he would not have said it, it is just a pity that none of these Lib Dems have the balls to stand up for what they believe when they are in the presence of the Tories.


All this thinking one thing and then having quash it to act like someone else is going to make them all ill.


All this has done is highlight what we all knew anyhow, that MP's say one thing to their constituents and another when they are in Parliament.

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"he started shooting his mouth off" = He started specking the truth instead of some well rehearsed clap-trap that people have swallowed hook-line and sinker.


shoot your mouth off
: to talk too much, especially about something you should not talk about.


I think my description was spot on.

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It was a private conversation with a constituent not a press interview as far as Vince Cable was concerned.

He spoke what he believed to be true.

What is wrong with that.

Would his critics rather listen to a tape recording of the party line at his constituency meetings or hear what he really thinks ?




It was a private conversation with a constituent and the tactics used to entrap him were totally underhand, even for the Torygraph.


However his illuminating views from inside the coaltion, which as other Lib Dem politicians have also echoed before apologising after they've been caught out, show the two parties to be incompatible bed-fellows and that the 'coalition' is a complete sham.

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He went on: "Obviously one will have to be more guarded, but the problem is you need to give people an honest answer when they ask a question. Again it diminishes our role."
So be honest to who you represent to their faces and then when your in your place of work you drop it all and tow the party line, thus making a mockery of politics.


What's the point ?

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It was a private conversation with a constituent and the tactics used to entrap him were totally underhand, even for the Torygraph.


However his illuminating views from inside the coaltion, which as other Lib Dem politicians have also echoed before apologising after they've been caught out, show the two parties to be incompatible bed-fellows and that the 'coalition' is a complete sham.

What I find most concerning is that it was a right wing paper that carried out this despicable act.

Is it a sign that the Lib Dems are flexing their muscles a bit too much and the conservatives are trying to undermine them in which case it is not a good sign for the coalition or the country.

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So be honest to who you represent to their faces and then when your in your place of work you drop it all and tow the party line, thus making a mockery of politics.


What's the point ?

I don't see that what he said was so wrong.

We all say things and express ourselves in a private conversation differntly to the way in which we do in official interviews.

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