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Blaker murder in Sheffield


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I was talking to a relative yesterday and we got talking about a murder that occurred in the Sheffield area around the late 80's or early 90's.

I recall the victim was called Rex or Lex Blaker, but after looking on the internet I can't seem to find anything.

Did I imagine this or not?

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I lived at Whirlow at the time and i think it was 1988 when he was murdered. He lived in the semi-detatched house at the side of the garage below The Wheatsheaf at Parkhead. It was said he used to serve in the SAS and that he was found dead under his bed wrapped in a sleeping bag by a sniffer dog after the Police had failed to find him days before. I think a couple he had invited back were charged with the crime.

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Rex Blaker, a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University was a member of the Territorial Army SAS (Not the full SAS), he was murdered by a man called Delgado from London who was one of 3 people invited back to his house on a Sunday Evening in 1988.


He was found on the Wednesday evening if memory serves , but not by a sniffer dog, but by a lone PC searching the house.


His body had been placed upside down in a sleeping bag and had been placed under the middle of a double bed which had sides so low, (3 -4") that the bed had to be lifted over him.


He had been garotted and then stabbed with broken glass from a smashed glass topped table.


His home was further away from the pub and in fact is near to the Junction with Bents Road and is detatched.


Delgado was released around 2000 ish

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I was searching for this crime when I came across this blog. I thought I would put the record straight, as far as I could so I joined the forum.


I know its an old blog but just in case someone else picks up on it.


Hope this helps.

Edited by CED8
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Rex Blaker, a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University was a member of the Territorial Army SAS (Not the full SAS), he was murdered by a man called Delgado from London who was one of 3 people invited back to his house on a Sunday Evening in 1988.


He was found on the Wednesday evening if memory serves , but not by a sniffer dog, but by a lone PC searching the house.


His body had been placed upside down in a sleeping bag and had been placed under the middle of a double bed which had sides so low, (3 -4") that the bed had to be lifted over him.


He had been garotted and then stabbed with broken glass from a smashed glass topped table.


His home was further away from the pub and in fact is near to the Junction with Bents Road and is detatched.


Delgado was released around 2000 ish


How do you know Delgado was released?

The News of the World reported (front page) in 1991 that Delgado had had his throat cut in prison.

The house was on Ecclesall Road South.

Edited by SpireMan
removed the actual number of the house
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As a case witness I was informed.


There were two males involved in this case, the second male would have received a shorter sentence, as only Delgado was convicted of murder. It was a long time ago, and I vaguely remember the other offender pleading to a lesser charge.. If as you say Delgado was subject of such an attack in 1991, I can only asume that either he didn't die, or if he did, then the officer who told me should have named his co accused as the released prisoner. However as his sentence was much shorter the timing would be out.


Also, I didn't want to mention the house number, The people living there may not want everyone to know the facts.

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As a case witness I was informed.


Also, I didn't want to mention the house number, The people living there may not want everyone to know the facts.


Hi ... I've removed the house number.


I was also a case witness - but was NOT informed.


I was the first person in the house (exc police) on the Thursday evening. I had contacted police on Wednesday evening after getting a telephone message saying Blaker had been found dead. I had brief interview with the police that evening (at my home) and they asked me to visit the house the following day (after work) - as I knew it well - to tell them if anything was missing / out of place etc.


NOTE - Their were no double beds in the house - all 3 bedrooms had single beds. The body was found under the bed, but it was not as low as you suggest in fact probably higher than normal. There were no glass topped tables in the house either.


PS - Although a large number of silver items had been stolen the most valuable items were overlooked. Blaker was an avid George Formby fan and owned 3 of Formby's original ukes. One sold after his death and was purchased by George Harrison (of the Beatles) for £35,000.

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As a case witness I was informed.


There were two males involved in this case.


The other was a man called Black. There was also a woman with them - but she managed to convince everyone that she had no idea a murder had been committed while she was in the same house !

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I seem to remember 4 bedrooms, two at the front and 2 at the rear, or maybe the rear right room was a bathroom, although I recall a central room at the rear which I thought was a bathroom. The bed in my memory was a double, but I may be mistaken on that, memory does play tricks after all these years.


Further It was low, How do I know because I had to get on my hands and knees to look underneath to see the body in situ. I actually had to put my head on the floor to do so. The only way the body could have been placed underneath was by lifting the bed onto it.


The broken glass which I was informed was from a table had been wrapped up in the bed linen and placed in the bottom of the first wardrobe on entering the room.


Thanks for removing the number, I visited the house years later, and the current owners (then) didn't want their relatives to know.

Edited by CED8
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