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Blaker murder in Sheffield


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If as you say Delgado was subject of such an attack in 1991, I can only asume that either he didn't die, or if he did, then the officer who told me should have named his co accused as the released prisoner. However as his sentence was much shorter the timing would be out.


Not necessarily.

The murder was Oct 1988.

The trial was Dec 1989.

If the person was released in 2000 - thats only 10 years ... not enough for a life sentence surely?

The News of the World issue was dated Nov 3rd 1991

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I seem to remember 4 bedrooms, two at the front and 2 at the rear, or maybe the rear right room was a bathroom, although I recall a central room at the rear which I thought was a bathroom. The bed in my memory was a double, but I may be mistaken on that, memory does play tricks after all these years.


Further It was low, How do I know because I had to get on my hands and knees to look underneath to see the body in situ. I actually had to put my head on the floor to do so. The only way the body could have been placed underneath was by lifting the bed onto it.


The broken glass which I was informed was from a table had been wrapped up in the bed linen and placed in the bottom of the first wardrobe on entering the room.


Thanks for removing the number, I visited the house years later, and the current owners (then) didn't want their relatives to know.


There were 2 bedrooms at the front (as you say) and also 2 at the rear (although the right-hand one - looking from the front of the house - was used as an office and had no bed in it). You are also right that the bathroom was between these 2 rear "bedrooms".


I do remember a window had been broken - but it had been broken from the inside ... a clumsy attempt to make it look as if someone had broken in. Maybe this was the glass?

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I said ish,


Black only got a couple of years. he would have been released well before that.


I remember the trial well, Delgado sacked his brief and defended himself. Which was very unusual for a murder trial. Easiest cross examination I ever had, Albeit the most confusing.


Interestingly one of his original team was a close friend, who became a recorder and as far as I am aware ( I lost touch with him a few years ago) went on to be a full Judge.


I spent time with the arresting officer from the Met, an interesting discussion.


Its a small world

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Re the glass, there was a considerable amount. As I said I was told it was a sheet of class from the top of a table ( dressing table ?) I do remember one in the bay window of that room.


The broken glass was use to stab him. I understood he had been hit with it, but as I said memory does play some tricks after all these years.

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I said ish,


Black only got a couple of years. he would have been released well before that.


I remember the trial well, Delgado sacked his brief and defended himself. Which was very unusual for a murder trial. Easiest cross examination I ever had, Albeit the most confusing.


Indeed ... I had given my evidence but after Delgado appointed himself I was recalled to be asked just one further question - the reasoning didn't make any sense to me (nor to the Judge - I remember him looking confused as well !)


Interestingly one of his original team was a close friend, who became a recorder and as far as I am aware ( I lost touch with him a few years ago) went on to be a full Judge.


Do you mean David ?

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Re the glass, there was a considerable amount. As I said I was told it was a sheet of class from the top of a table ( dressing table ?) I do remember one in the bay window of that room.


The broken glass was use to stab him. I understood he had been hit with it, but as I said memory does play some tricks after all these years.




Blaker was a registered firearm holder - and had one (maybe 2) guns in the safe downstairs. Not much use in the crcumstances.

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