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virtual country

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I want to start a topic where people can imagine they own their own country.


The start of any post by them to signify they are talking about their country should start like this >(Whatever your country is called)<


Anyone post addressing some ones country should be like this <(The country being addressed)>


With >< being inside of that country and <> being outside.



I want to do this because we all are opinionated and want things how we would have them and we all end up in topics arguing our own corners, well this way we could have our opinions expressed in our own virtual Nations where we could all be what we deep down feel and anyone wanting to be part of that could join in principle by showing the right >< or <> that country.


I know it sounds stupid but we could end up with a really interesting topic where people could show elegance one day to a country and the next defect or immigrate ect.


Who ever starts their own country can do so but have a real structure to how it should be run and have real policies to run it or their country won't function and they will be a minority country of 1 which would be insignificant in a virtual global scale.


I want to do this because it will show a lot about us as a society and make us think about social issues that maybe we would not consider otherwise as well as help us be able to take a step back and see just what kind of country we would want thus showing us what kind of person we actually are.


Of cause I have thought about my own country and so have a guestimation how it will look but you reading this will have to start from scratch and make your own minds up if to join anyone or start your own.


Good luck and I hope my experiment takes off or this topic is going to look kind of stupid :D

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Starting with the basics.




The country is run by regional bodies and the actual Government is run by consensus relying on technology to relay information.


The Monitory Banking system is not dependant on one square area of land where it is vulnerable to attack but is run the same as the Government and over the entire area of the country so using the reliance of networking.


Transport would have a great emphasis on being public with a decent rail structure between all the major cities with a central circular concentric major hub.


Private transport, cars/bikes ect would not be able to be above a cc of a 1000 without a Government licence. Businesses would obviously be able to have licence as would Government run organisations such as the emergency services.

The country >H2M< would be run pretty as a leave us alone and we will leave you alone kind of nation that would welcome trade but would try and promote a self sufficient nation regarding things like the capacity to grow food and have a population that equates to the amount of food able to be grown.


I welcome questions from any fellow newly formed countries.

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It has been decided that we are to have a foreign policy of a quarantine of this newly formed country with anyone given entry having to have the markings >><< to show that they are new until a period of 3 days until its established that they are both physically and mentally able to stay, in which time if they show any ill health or mental dis function toward the nation then they can be deported and put on the list of undesirables marked ><name><.

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>Bus drivers don't have to wear uniform so they much happier and they smile more often. Dr. Pepper is in the soda fountains at McDonalds. It's warm every day of the year but it still rains and stuff so potatoes can grow, like the Caribbean. There is a website called Sheffield Forum - it's good. All MPs have a degree in Sociology so they know how best to serve the country, even though I'm the king and ultimate ruler so I am just advised by my MPs. Petrol is free to all cars under 1.4lt and is subsidised by having a bicycle tax of 854 million pounds a month per wheel. Stephen Fry has a Knighthood and finally, there is a channel dedicated to Peep Show, Sponge Bob, Harry Enfield, Extras, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Lead Balloon and Phoenix Nights<

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My virtual country is called <Newtopia>.


The society is based upon total equality, everyone has equal rights and freedoms so long as they take responsibility for themselves, others (where necessary) and their land. The only law is that you must not cause purposeful harm through your actions. If people break this law they are judged by random people from their community and an appropriate punishment is decided upon through consensus.


The political system is based upon people taking responsibility for themselves and volunteering their time to solve issues for their communities or for the country as a whole. For example, if a hospital needs building then members of the community volunteer to organise the construction of the hospital. Members of the community will also volunteer to work in the hospital.


The economic system is resource rather than currency based. People are given free access to all materials and resources so long as they use them, and later dispose of them (through recycling or re-using) responsibly. Irresponsible behaviour is punished by restricted access to certain resources for an allotted amount of time (determined by communal consensus). After that time the person is given full access again.


The education system is paramount to Newtopian society. People are not forced to do a job to survive as learning, rather than profit, is the main driving force of society. Newtopians are free to volunteer their time and energy as they wish. People learn from others and in turn pass on their skills to others who wish to learn throughout their whole lives. Individual talent and creativity is encouraged and developed, but everyone gets a very well-rounded education based upon the subjects they wish to learn.


The high levels of education has provided the Newtopians with highly advanced technology. They do not have to do menial, boring tasks if they don't wish to because they have the skill, intelligence and free availability of resources to invent machines to do the tasks for them. However, many Newtopians still find great enjoyment in simple tasks.


Work has been redefined in Newtopian society as play. People feel empowered by the fact that the things they produce benefit themselves and their communities directly and so they are happy and playful in their tasks. There is lots of creativity, particularly regarding the built environment. Homes reflect the individual style of the people that live in them. Talented artists are often asked to help design homes, gardens and furniture.


Newtopians believe that they not only own their homes, but are responsible for all of the landscape of Newtopia. The land around the homes, villages, towns and cities is their garden and they play with that space. They grow a wide variety of food not in fields with the use of pesticides and fertilisers, but in symbiosis with natural forests, heaths, moors and fens. They constantly re-design parts of the landscape to make it more beautiful.


Newtopians are highly skilled and intelligent people, so other countries trade their material resources with them for access to their skill-base. As such, Newtopia is a country rich in resources which ensures that everyone who lives there has a high standard of living.


Newtopia welcomes immigrants from other countries so long as they respect their law and their land. They are keenly interested in and very accepting of other cultures.

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I've been creating a virtual island, rather than a country, as the setting of a number of novels I am writing; it's called <Arbour Island> and its off the south coast of Ireland. The island is about 40 miles long by 20 miles wide, and it is linked to the Irish mainland by bridges. The main city is Allenby, population about 1 million. Other large towns include Brega and Patterson. There is an extensive rail and road network and also a very vibrant Gay community, as the novels I am writing are mainly thrillers involving gay and lesbian people. In addition, in line with its use as a setting for thrillers, the main underworld gangs are one composed entirely of hairdressers, another consisting of dancers, fashion designers, theatrical people, and a gang of 'good guys' also composing actors, as well as assorted intellectuals and geeks.


I'll tell you all more as the stories I am writing progress, I'll be keen to keep a regular tab on this thread and other imaginary 'countries' that others have created.

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