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Has anyone else got this awful cold?

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Three people in my office have got it...


And my OH (who hasn't had a day off work sick in 7 years) has had it for a week now and had 3 days off tucked up in bed this week.


It's really bad - like a cross between a bug & flu or something. He's had horrible aches & pains, stomach troubles, feeling sick, no energy etc.


I think I have just come down with it too, oh no what terrible timing - that's Christmas & New Year ruined for me!

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Aw lots sympathy its awful having it christmas week - i went out this morning for first time since sunday - woke up monday painful joints and headache then it went into a streaming cold followed by tonsillitis - just want to sleep all the time no energy - we have all got it in our house - don't think can eat dinner tomorrow no appetite :-( no rest with a 4 year old

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my eldest has been laid up for the past 3 days, she seems better today, ive got a cough and cold but it also gave me indigestion which gave me the hiccups for 3 days :(

hopefully its past that now cos ive got 36 cans of stella and 7 two litre bottles of cider to sup lol

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