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What will you do on Christmas day?

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It looks good value, but looking at their website, its only at selected hotels. There doesn't appear to be any local ones and it does say from £99, most are more than that.


I'd shortlisted the Millers in warwickshire (sibson- never been) and one in leicestershire- they're both £99

just need to convince the partner its a good idea

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Gosh, you've got me all excited about Christmas now. My Christmas is always lovely, yet slightly hectic as I have 2 (alternate years 3) houses to visit.


I wake up with my mum, stepdad and youngest brother (who will be 7 one week before christmas this year) and we go downstairs. Youngest brother not allowed to open any presents until Dad's got the camcorder - commence 15 minutes of "DAD HURRY UP!! DAD!! DAD!!!!!" Once Dad has got a coffee and a camcorder we begin. Presents get opened and then breakfast - usually smoked salmon in some form.


Around 11am I will go over to have Christmas dinner with my Dad, and my other younger brother. Brother will wake up once I arrive (well, be woken up) and then we will open presents together. Dad will cook dinner and we will probably have a few glasses of something nice. Used to watch the Queen's speech but as my Granny died last October that tradition went with her. Usually take the dog for a walk that afternoon though.


If I don't have to visit a third household I usually stop at Dad's until evening, then go back to my Mum's house for an unofficial second christmas tea/leftovers, and usual crappy tv with lots of chocolate. If it is my turn to visit fella's family I will set off about 4pm and open another set of presents when I get there, and again crack on with the crappy tv with lots of chocolate. Its my year off this year though - yippee!

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I will be in USA with my inlaws and family that live over there.Xmas dinner with family but its not like over here,chill in afternoon and then Boxing day is a normal working day over there and sales start whoooooooo cant wait,then we i come home i have another xmas at New Year with my kids and family

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It's mine and the OH's first Christmas in the house together this year and we're wanting to make it quite traditional, so it will be up and opening presents with breakfast and coffee and then I'll doing roast dinner with all the trimmings (although I think I'm doing duck, rather than turkey - they're a bit big just for two! :D)


Afternoon will be spent probably falling asleep to the Christmas film (though the fella wants to watch Scrooge).


The night will probably be a few drinks whilst the fella plays his new X-box games and I watch a couple more films - unless I get an invite out or something.

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Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, somebody else talking about Christmas.


*Runs over and kicks Espadrille in the shin and then sneaks away*


To be fair Espadrille did start this thread on Christmas Day last year! I'm not going to write or think about it until the middle of December. :roll:

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