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What will you do on Christmas day?

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I havent thought about this year too much but possibly similar to the last 2 years....


Get up whatever time we wake (about 9/10am) and open presents (just me and OH) then have some brekkie (bacon/sausage/egg probably). Then head over to my brothers house with presents for the kids and stay there for about an hour or so maybe (last year i did this still in my new pjs). Come home and cook dinner (not turkey as i dont like it - and its too big for 2 anyway- so either chicken or gammon). Then spend the afternoon with a drink or 2 watching christmas tv/films....have left overs or the party food snacks for supper before bed.

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  • 6 years later...
So no-one's thinking about going to Church, singing some nice Carols and perhaps praying how lucky we are compared to a lot of poor people on the Planet. I love Christmas and most things that go with it but it's mostly about (over) indulgence these days.


I love Christmas and I'm very aware and appreciative of the life I have. There's no reason for me to go to a Church though.

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