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What will you do on Christmas day?

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I am conscious of the fact that not everyone has a traditional Christmas and wondered what your plans are for today.


I shall walk the dogs, open a few presents, sort out the Turkey and go for a walk to Stanage Edge.

Come back and hopefully have a lovely Christmas dinner.

After the clearing away, watch whatever is the pick of the programmes on TV.Maybe a glass of wine and a few savoury nibbles later.


Whatever you are doing, I hope its a good one.


It will be a strange one for me this year.

Separated from the wife some months ago, the kids live with me but we agreed they will spend Christmas with Mum.

I get them back on Boxing day so Christmas day will be very weird and very quiet.

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Nice to see a 7 year old thread resurrected so I can see how much, if anything, has changed.


So far no plans at all for Xmas day...the past couple of years my OH has been poorly at Xmas so any plans have been curtailed. A couple of times we've been to The Blake Hotel for afternoon drinkies which was nice but in the main it's just us two, so we do what we want, relax, have a nice tea and don't stress.

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Same as any other day the two teenage boys will be fighting each other from 6am by 9ish it will be creeping up to the mid 30 degrees its the height of summer here in australia to make it even more uncomfortable the oven will be on for the next 5 hours cooking the turkey and chickens then open up my one present from the other half same every year 2 t shirts that i wouldnt pick for myself and proclaim theyre great thanks darl. These are the times i wish i was back in sheffield

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