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What is your opinion on Human Cloning?

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I'd like to know what peoples general opinions are on Human Cloning.


What are the long term consequences?


Could there be amazing benefits?


What do you think about cloning human organs?


Do you support the action for all research of this kind been stopped all together? If so, why?

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This one slipped by quietly.


I do not agree with human cloning i think it is too dangerous. The sheep didn't live as long as normal so there may be defects with the process that would not make it worth while.


But organ cloning would be excellent if they can make it work. Has all the research been stopped?


I do know if 2 people who have recently had knee operations that have had to have a bit taken out and grown in the lab to be replaced. Not cloning but if this can work then excellent.

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If there are medical benefits then these should be explored, but cloning for social "fashionable" reasons should be outlawed.


Here's an interesting hypothetical for people to comment on:


A middle aged rich man or woman finds him/herself wanting a child to take care of, bring up and inherit the family fortune. He/she cannot have children and is unwilling to adopt as they want something of themselves to continue. Let's say for arguments sake that any problems in cloning have been ironed out, and a perfect, healthy clone could be made of this person. Would it be acceptable to you if this person had them selves cloned, and raised a baby that only had one genetic parent? If not, what are your objections to this?

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I have mixed opinions on this.

Abuse by governments and the super rich for a start.


Abuse by terrorist organisations.


Then again I like the idea of having a little clone of me to carry on... well my EXACT genetic make up after I pass on.


But the research is too young and as Sidla pointed out, Dolly the sheep didn't luve too long did she.


Hmmm it's a tough one!

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In the natural world you only find clones in situations of low disease. If you have a whole set of people with the same immune system disease would spread like wildfire.


This is why the only small short-lived species reproduce asexually where this isn't much of an issue.


There really wouldn't be much point in it to creative individuals and other uses (eg harvesting organs etc) have huge ethical considerations.

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