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What is your opinion on Human Cloning?

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Originally posted by Funky Dave

That's fine, until it beats you to the promotion you were after, buys a flashier car and nicks your girlfriend.


Fantastic comment, picking myself up off the floor


if you know what I mean


Originally posted by DaBouncer

Abuse by terrorist organisations.


I am scared of you mate with ideas like that :o


because its no secret now that stem cells are being cloned every day, only a matter of time.....


Originally posted by Jon

In the natural world you only find clones in situations of low disease. If you have a whole set of people with the same immune system disease would spread like wildfire.


This is why the only small short-lived species reproduce asexually where this isn't much of an issue.



its all true kids !!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I have mixed opinions on this.

Abuse by governments and the super rich for a start.


Abuse by terrorist organisations.


Then again I like the idea of having a little clone of me to carry on... well my EXACT genetic make up after I pass on.


But the research is too young and as Sidla pointed out, Dolly the sheep didn't luve too long did she.


Hmmm it's a tough one!


A wise response IMO.

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Originally posted by halevan

Cloning will be alright when the teething problems are overcome, it is the same as everything else, practise makes perfect, also, I do agree with growing spare parts in the laboratory, as this benefits us all.


I am inclined to agree.


This is an area of science which I feel needs to be (and is being) studied.


We must explore this area of science there is much to be learned.

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Overall I am in favour of Cloning.


I understand it could be abused like anything else.


Ultimately I think the potential benefits far outweigh any risks.


I fail to understand the arguement about not knowing what the consequences will be. There must be many scientific experiments over the years which the consequences were not known. The whole point is that we continue the research so we can discover the consequences. I don't feel that not knowing the possible consequences is a legitmate argument for stopping the research.


I have attached an intresting article regarding the research of cloning in Singapore.




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Originally posted by Lickszz

There must be many scientific experiments over the years which the consequences were not known. The whole point is that we continue the research so we can discover the consequences.


Experiment is to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of someting previously untried.


Bring it on kids....

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