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Resolutions for 2011

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People don't grammar police posts they agree with. It's just a way of picking up on stuff because they can't find holes in the actual argument the poster is putting across. This makes them upset and frustrated because something they disagree with...is actually right.


So they'll go on to criticise the most minor aspects of the posts to try and redeem their feelings.


But everyones actually thinking. "Well that guy has no friends".

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95% of those who make resolutions will have broken them by Jan 15th.



Does that mean making a resolution for change is a bad thing? No it just means most people are very bad at making changes and most of us don't even try to do things that we know are difficult.


How we eat and live is part of our identity, something we're very reluctant to change. 98% of heart patients won't or can't change their lifestyle to become more healthy even though they know their lifestyle is killing them.


So if you want to change something about yourself, you're gonna have to change your self image, your identity.


So don't say "I'm going to quit smoking" start to believe you ARE a non-smoker - make it part of your identity.


Good luck if you do make a resolution. Hope you make it beyond the 15th!


Me? I'm perfect. What is there to change?


PS. Seriously, I believe the problem is accountability. We're more likely to break a promise to ourselves than one to somebody else. So my tip for success in any resolutions you do make - ask somebody else to hold you accountable for your actions. (That could mean joining a group such as Weightwatchers for example)

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