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Vigilance Necessary

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And we'll respond likewise. Do you seriously think the Germans, the French, the Italians and the Swedes will suddenly threaten to stop selling us BMWs, Renaults, Ferraris and Volvos overnight? As we now have a small manufacturing base (thank you Mrs Thatcher) and import a lot, then I suspect a cold war of import tariffs will be very short lived.


You're not in the EU, but LA doesn't have a problem all the importing Ferraris or Bentleys that I see parked up on Rodeo Drive from time to time :)




If the British are educated, skilled labour (which we mostly are oveseas), then their employers are highly unlikely to kick them out simply bcause some Eurocrat says they should. On the other hand, if hundreds of thousands of non-skilled Roma gypsies have to leave the UK, then from a social integration viewpoint, that's a plus.




Why do you think Britain ended up in the EU in the first place? Englishmen down through history distrusted Europeans intensly, went to war with most European countries at one time or another.

The reason is obvious. I can remember Britain's attempts to join the Common Market back in the 60s and French president De Gaulle's refusal. It was all for and still is economics not because of any sense of brotherly love for those on the other side of the Channel

You and I are just people who post opinions on a forum but better minds than ours well knew the hard realities involved when it came to either being part of Europe or staying a small economically isolated island bereft of a once mighty empire.

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2004- Poland acceeded to the EU. Two million people were unemployed in this country, yet more than half a million Poles came here and found work.


What does that tell you?


1. In areas of high youth unemployment (It was 50%+ in parts of Poland), the young people of the future (who are needed to pay future taxes) will up sticks and leave for somewhere better.


2. That a Pole without a social safety net will take any job going.


3. That said Pole will work for 50p less per hour than an Englishman


4. That an Englishman will have to work for 50p per hour less if he wants to work.


5. That a Romanian will work for 50p less per hour than a Pole


6. That a Pole will work for 50p less per hour as he has to, to eat, as he has no social safety net.


7. That a Englishman will now have to work for £1 per hour less and youth unemployment shall rise as the minimum wage vs benefits converge to become equal.


8. The Englishman will no longer work as it is not in his interests to do so.


9. The young people will leave after importing 50% youth unemployment and lower wages. Or work for a pittance and sleep 6 to a room.


10. The imported workers are now eligible for benefits and we have low wages and high unemployment all round.


Obviously we need to find some poorer people to import whom will work for less. We need to cut benefits and wages further. Onwards and (f...ed) upwards.

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