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Vigilance Necessary

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country had borders coz it was necessary then. the situation is fast changing. our great grand children will wonder what the big deal was. anyway, the UK has never went to the aid of a country invaded on religious reasons. no country ever has. but in your hypothetical situation, i see your point. that's if the communities had conflicting interests. is this the case in this country? assuming by 'community' we mean the vast majority of whatever group we're talking about, not a loud minority.


OK.....to put it as straight as I can....imagine if Pakistan invaded India(the main problem between these countries is in no doubt religion).......the UK has to take a stance somehow.......Can it remain neutral because it has a large Pakistani community? Should it?

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So you suggest we only allow a handfull of expats from any givern country to live here at a time? Not terribly practical is it?


What about other decisions that might make people kick off here - like tuition fees? Should we expel all the students in the interests of reducing the risk tensions. While we're at it labour voters aren't very happy at the moment, should they join the students and the immigrants on the container ship to antarctica? Then there's all the tory and lib dem voters who don't like how the coalitions going, should they get packed off too in case they get arsey?


Yep, we have enough problems as it is....without new and unnecessary ones.


Don't get me wrong....I am not some guy sat in a Swastika adorned room shouting "out out out", at all. I just see there ARE massive problems with the way the country has gone....very dangerous ones....to the degree that "Vigilance is Necessary" as the OP states.


I do not have any ideas on reversiing the situation, however ignoring it is very dangerous. Very dangerous indeed.

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OK.....to put it as straight as I can....imagine if Pakistan invaded India(the main problem between these countries is in no doubt religion).......the UK has to take a stance somehow.......Can it remain neutral because it has a large Pakistani community? Should it?


There aren't as many pakistanis in the UK as there are Indians

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agreed, to a point. all of them came from the commonwealth. so you could say that was the social conscience at work, on the part of the UK.

No social conscience whatsover, the upper and middle classes exploited them in the former colonies so were experts at exploiting then when they encouraged then here.

The working man in the UK weas just as poorly treat as most of those in the exploited colonies, I posted an old photo some time ago of the housing conditions in Sheffield at the height of the British Empire, it wasn't a pretty sight.

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Yep, we have enough problems as it is....without new and unnecessary ones.


Don't get me wrong....I am not some guy sat in a Swastika adorned room shouting "out out out", at all. I just see there ARE massive problems with the way the country has gone....very dangerous ones....to the degree that "Vigilance is Necessary" as the OP states.


I do not have any ideas on reversiing the situation, however ignoring it is very dangerous. Very dangerous indeed.


Don't worry the Westernephobes will soon find a pigeon hole to put you in.

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OK.....to put it as straight as I can....imagine if Pakistan invaded India(the main problem between these countries is in no doubt religion).......the UK has to take a stance somehow.......Can it remain neutral because it has a large Pakistani community? Should it?


why would the UK have to take a stance? why would this stance be automatically one that antagonizes the Pakistanis? why not the Indians?

there have been skirmishes before between the two, and no major riots on the streets of the UK. why would it be different if say Poland and Albania started war? or if, say, Jamaica and Dominican republic? these are communities with 'conflicting' ideas to the hosts. why so much emphasis on the one? but to answer your question, this country has a large number of British people of Pakistani origin. many of which have never been to Pakistan. what to do with them? the same for all the others.

the UK takes a stance in the best interest of the UK, be it neutrality or otherwise. as it should be.

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why would the UK have to take a stance? why would this stance be automatically one that antagonizes the Pakistanis? why not the Indians?

there have been skirmishes before between the two, and no major riots on the streets of the UK. why would it be different if say Poland and Albania started war? or if, say, Jamaica and Dominican republic? these are communities with 'conflicting' ideas to the hosts. why so much emphasis on the one? but to answer your question, this country has a large number of British people of Pakistani origin. many of which have never been to Pakistan. what to do with them? the same for all the others.

the UK takes a stance in the best interest of the UK, be it neutrality or otherwise. as it should be.


This is the reason why I used country X in the first place...use ANY country you want, the point remains the same. The UK does have to make a stance. And for it not to be able to do so because it has changed this way can only be detrimental to the country.........

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No social conscience whatsover, the upper and middle classes exploited them in the former colonies so were experts at exploiting then when they encouraged then here.

The working man in the UK weas just as poorly treat as most of those in the exploited colonies, I posted an old photo some time ago of the housing conditions in Sheffield at the height of the British Empire, it wasn't a pretty sight.


maybe,but the 'working man' gained a lot from colony. no denying that. you can't equate it to the pillaging in the colonies.

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