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Anyne else felt like this?

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Hi....Like a lot of people I have just had this cold/flu virus whats going around. I thought I was over it when last friday I suddently started feeling really ill again. Hot and cold, shivering feeling sick etc. Then on sunday I started with this awful backache which I can only describe as feeling as if its on the inside of my upper back and chest. It feel very tender, not to touch, and it doesnt hurt when I breath or cough or move. When the pain comes on I feel very sickly with it as well. I have been taking co codamol tablets and this seems to take it off for a couple of hours then its back. Its even there through the night. Before I take myself off to the docs with it, just wondering if anyone else has had this as a result of this cold virus? I'm not one for going to the docs unless I'm really forced to, but I must admit this is worrying me now. Just wanted to see if others have had this. and if so, then obviously its part and parcel of the virus. Thanks

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I havent had the flu, but I have had the upperback pain funnily enough

it feels like muscle tension, and like someone is digging their fist in the centre of my back


it is a lot better now, I put it down to muscle tension, think its because its been so cold and have been tensing up when going out in the cold and driving in it etc


make an appointment just to get checked you may have an infection and a course of AB may be needed

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It could just be something like pulled muscles, after being laid up with the flu and not feeling up to doing much, then feeling a little better and moving about again.

Every time I get the cold or flu I end up with pains in my chest and stomach, this I put down to the coughing and sneezing and doing very little, as soon as I am back to work it soon goes. At the moment my back is in two, cause I have done nothing for the last few days and cant wait to get back to work.

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Hi....Like a lot of people I have just had this cold/flu virus whats going around. I thought I was over it when last friday I suddently started feeling really ill again. Hot and cold, shivering feeling sick etc. Then on sunday I started with this awful backache which I can only describe as feeling as if its on the inside of my upper back and chest. It feel very tender, not to touch, and it doesnt hurt when I breath or cough or move. When the pain comes on I feel very sickly with it as well. I have been taking co codamol tablets and this seems to take it off for a couple of hours then its back. Its even there through the night. Before I take myself off to the docs with it, just wondering if anyone else has had this as a result of this cold virus? I'm not one for going to the docs unless I'm really forced to, but I must admit this is worrying me now. Just wanted to see if others have had this. and if so, then obviously its part and parcel of the virus. Thanks


I was ill off and on with similar symptoms from the end of November to boxing day, some days I'd thought I was over it then it came back with a vengeance. As well as a temperature, cough, bad chest and all the other general flu symptoms I was getting really severe pain in my arms, legs, back rib cage.


It was a rough December, made rougher by my wife also having it.

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Hi...thanks to you all for your replies. My back yesterday was horrendous. The pain is making me feel sick so I am going to make an appointment today..if I can..at the docs. I hope all those of you who are also feeling under the weather at the moment, feel a whole lot better soon. Take care. Thanks.

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Hi....Like a lot of people I have just had this cold/flu virus whats going around. I thought I was over it when last friday I suddently started feeling really ill again. Hot and cold, shivering feeling sick etc. Then on sunday I started with this awful backache which I can only describe as feeling as if its on the inside of my upper back and chest. It feel very tender, not to touch, and it doesnt hurt when I breath or cough or move. When the pain comes on I feel very sickly with it as well. I have been taking co codamol tablets and this seems to take it off for a couple of hours then its back. Its even there through the night. Before I take myself off to the docs with it, just wondering if anyone else has had this as a result of this cold virus? I'm not one for going to the docs unless I'm really forced to, but I must admit this is worrying me now. Just wanted to see if others have had this. and if so, then obviously its part and parcel of the virus. Thanks


My neice, friend, and gf's friend have all had it.

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