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New Years Hobby

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I was taught to always learn something new each year to keep your mind active! In various professions they will get you to do at least 16 hours of study each year.


So, i'm after doing something new, but what, what would / are you doing?


I thought about doing something along the lines of local studies and get my Dad involved.


Or, do some kind of craft, e.g. pottery or painting, but there not really new to me.


I already do walking and know Hope Valley like the back of my hand (always have), same for Loxley and various other areas, where else can I go?


What about dancing (as long as I don't have to dress up in funny clothes!)

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What about studying a useful craft such as plumbing or decoration at evening class (if they haven't been stopped by the con-dem's cuts).


Did a C&G in decorating a decade or so ago.


Learnt a little plumbing, more for doing sculpture really though!



learn to play the banjo...................string


Did the tantric thingy years ago, but may be worth a revisit!


Knit wear is very fashionable at the moment, take up knitting


I find it hard to imagine for some reason, even though I did download a few patterns the other day for some texture maps. But you never know?



Learn to Salsa?


Did try it once, bought an old GF an introductory lesson, we gave up at the point of the Rricky Martin CD and bottle of tequila!



i know if i had time for a hobby I would be doing some charity work !!


Yes, VAS is on my list actually... They even offered me a job there last year!

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