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ConDems rocked as support for coalition falls dramatically

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Well, we'd have another six months to a year of complaining that the coalition didn't know what they were doing, detailing step-by-step every bad thing that has happened so far (regardless of who was to blame), and then disbanding a load of government departments in order to form a load of government departments in order to review the preceeding term in order to work out what to do.





Also how much would it cost and how much politician time would be wasted on door to door tea drinking and not actual work?

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Where does it say the Coalition has been "rocked" by this revelation?


It doesnt.....thats the point.....its just another poll for another week...., although it does say that labour are a percentage point in front of the conservatives in the polls....and thats after the cuts have been announced.......so its a closer call than many labourites would have people think.

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well here's a suggestion


if the available parties aren't floating your boat, if they aren't doing what you want when in office and you don't trust any of the others to do any better


form your own party and campaign for office yourself


something like two thirds of the country doesn't bother voting because they've lost faith with the current crop of politicians and parties, get their vote and your in


the people representing the people for a change


you've probably got a couple of years before the next election unless the coalition fails disastrously, plenty of time to organise, the internet is widely available use that to find like minded people and sort it out


alternatively you can keep coming on here and complaining about the coalition, how labour are no better, that the lib dems hardly qualify as a party any more, that the conservatives have no idea what it's like to live in the real world with the rest of us and that there's no credible alternative in any of the other parties, however this course of action while being easy won't change anything

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Where does it say the Coalition has been "rocked" by this revelation?
It doesn't say it anywhere but in wednesday1's thread title. Obviously, it's his wishful thinking :hihi:


I almost wish that either Tony or Gordon would come back and retake the throne, just to shut the labour fanboys up, because I'm sick of reading it - day in and day out. We could then head for the rocks in spectacular fashion and see them wreck the country totally, whilst wednesday1, Titanic99 and the rest stand by and cheer them on.


Sensible people are behind the coalition to a greater or lesser degree, because the alternative doesn't bear thinking of.

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