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Why are people so annoying?


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You watched that prog last night, top 100 annoying people? What was amazing was that certain people on here weren't even given a mention, I was shocked and surprised by that! :cool:


You can't help being annoying Mecky, you'll just have to learn to live with it, the rest of us have.


i watched that, i was shocked by the fact that jedward didnt get the no1 spot!


I missed the programme.


Then again, I 'miss' all the programmes I can't be bothered to watch.


I don't know the names of filmstars. - Not quite true; I recognise names such as:


Sean Canary

Shawn Bawn

Seen Bean

Julie Andrews

Paul Newman

John Revolting

Johnny Pillock, Pratt, Plonker Tosser etc (If I was him, then even if I was one of the best actors of the last 20 years[and he is] I'd change my name)[the preceding are all accepted translations of the derogatary word 'Depp' :hihi:]


I'm also deaf as a pust. That really comes in handy. Some people think that if you're deaf, you're daft. (A chance to make money ... 'That was a tenner I give you, not a fiver!')


Would I do that?


Only if she thought 'Deaf' = 'Daft';) and I was born at night.


I was born at night ... but it wasn't last night.


I'm beginning to appreciate the advantages of failing to grow old gracefully.


I'm not as quick as I used to be (but as the police instructor who tested me last year said: 'He might be an old bugger and he might have slower reactions than you lot did, but he scored higher because he knew what was going to happen before I did it to him.'


I'm learning to have a lot of fun as an old fart. I've got a bus pass (though the first time I used it I got into a 'discussion' :hihi:


'You can't bring that on here'! said he.


'Oh yes he can' [sheffield Panto audience who happened to be riding the bus]


'Oh no he can't [bus driver]


'But I did' said I.


Actually (notwithstanding the comments of some on this forum) Sheffield Bus drivers are (IMO) polite, friendly and helpful. Perhaps that's because I recognise that they too are human beings and they're doing a job and they're working under a lot of pressure?


Same driver on the way back (after I'd got a new tyre fitted):


'You can't bring that on here'! said he.


'You know I can' said I.


'Fair enough' said he.


Best bus service in the world.


btw: What is a jedward?

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