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One in six of people alive today in UK will live to be a hundred

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And if it happens here then it will be everywhere in the world. China is struggling to cope with its population as it is. How long before we use up every available bit of earth on this planet. Maybe in years to come we will have to turn into cannibals as there will be nowhere left to grow crops. Maybe the thought of living to over 100 is not that appealing after all.


Im petrified of dying: there's no future in it.:(

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Every one knows that government targets are never attainable,so they might settle for 1 in 8.Will pensioners have to opt in for this or will it be means tested?

What if I don't want to live to 100,or get to 101?

Do the government have a link for this statement?

More drunken policy thought is needed.

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Let’s be honest how many people want to live to be 100?


Anyone of a certain age will have seen their parents health decline, loss of mobility, loss of dignity and eventually loss of faculties …………. Cant wait can you. :rolleyes:


I could not think of anything worse than being kept alive when all faculties have been lost.Euthanasia needs a big rethink,whether it is self induced or

medically at the specific request of the patient.

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