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How do I start writing a book.. A little advice


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Many books i've read on writing suggest starting in the middle of something.


Sometimes they start off with chapter 1, but then make that chapter -1.


It could be a story in which history is in the making, or it could a story about the discovery of the past.

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I think its a great idea, not purely as a commercial project either.Some years ago, after my father retired and obviously had time on his hands, he recorded some stories and events from his life on audio cassette. He gave copies to my brothers and me at the time and mine got put in a drawer, unopened and unheard. About 6 months after his death, I was rummaging in the drawer, came across one of them (the other one sadly lost forever) and decided to give it a listen. I cant describe the emotions that went through me listening to them and to things about him and his life that I never knew before.

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I started writing a book, my autobiography, only actually done a couple of very rough first chapters tho

a trip through the underbelly of the mid 80s - on drug, punk, hippy, dance scenes of sheffield and surrounding areas.

sex, drugs, rock n roll and death, violence, pubs, clubs and gigs etc etc


i decided to theme my chapters so i could get it all into one place in my head

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I've been writing a book for ages now. I don't even know what it's about! Got about 1000 pages of waffle so far! It seems to focus around a dwarf in Abergavenny (Wales) and his trials and tribulations. Made loads of notes so my next step is to make some sort of story out of it.

There's no beginning and no end yet.

the good thing is there's absolutely no research involved whatsoever!

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I've been writing a book for ages now. I don't even know what it's about! Got about 1000 pages of waffle so far! It seems to focus around a dwarf in Abergavenny (Wales) and his trials and tribulations. Made loads of notes so my next step is to make some sort of story out of it.

There's no beginning and no end yet.

the good thing is there's absolutely no research involved whatsoever!


I've written various chapters for various books, all waffle, but i'd say fairly interesting.


However recently i've really been trying to get myself to sit down and do something for a current project and I just can't do it. I've made sets and characters, very basic plots, but when trying to do the main fill, it's all to prescriptive!


So, I can waffle, but when it comes to doing it from planning, hmmm... :huh:

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I've written various chapters for various books, all waffle, but i'd say fairly interesting.


However recently i've really been trying to get myself to sit down and do something for a current project and I just can't do it. I've made sets and characters, very basic plots, but when trying to do the main fill, it's all to prescriptive!


So, I can waffle, but when it comes to doing it from planning, hmmm... :huh:

My dwarf flies around in a custom painted metallic red wheelchair that's armed with thermonuclear bruschetta heat seeking bread missiles! ... He's on a mission! :hihi:

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Once upon a time ----- ?
I just read this whole thing to make sure no one had put my comment already...2nd to last and u have..well done u:hihi:


how many posts do i have to reply to before i can ask the question iv joined to ask?????

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