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Does 'merely' thinking a certain way make you a '-phobe', '-ist' etc

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No-one is born a racist, or a hater of women or homosexuals. They learn, someone teaches them.


Can they learn to overcome their prejudices? Yes, and sometimes they do.


I work with someone who is openly homophobic, I tend to ignore his occasional outbursts, after all its only his opinion, it doesn't mean I have to take any notice of it.

Sometimes I think that if he got to know a gay person, he would see that gay people are no different, it just happens that they prefer the same sex instead of the opposite sex. I think he is actually denying himself something.

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not at all, D. i meant if you don't see the character or anything else but how that person has sex then that's perverted. makes all you can think of sex. not you YOU, you you. know what i mean?
Yes I understand. That's how we as a society have been conditioned to function, we punish others for the way we think.
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don't know it. what was it that you thought goes to 'the coward conundrum'?


So say you've got a bigoted boss and you don't do anything about it but rather just get on with your job instead of risking the sack, coward or realist?


If you live on a sink estate and you are forcibly coerced into a local gang and go along with various crimes, bullying, drugs, etc, but you can't get out because you can't move (either due to money or because your a minor living with parents), but know if you try to ignore the gang you'll get more grief, etc, are you a coward?


Both are aligned with bigots if they don't do anything, but are either actual bigots in reality. Unwilling hypocrites, probably!

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So say you've got a bigoted boss and you don't do anything about it but rather just get on with your job instead of risking the sack, coward or realist?


If you live on a sink estate and you are forcibly coerced into a local gang and go along with various crimes, bullying, drugs, etc, but you can't get out because you can't move (either due to money or because your a minor living with parents), but know if you try to ignore the gang you'll get more grief, etc, are you a coward?


Both are aligned with bigots if they don't do anything, but are either actual bigots in reality. Unwilling hypocrites, probably!


to your first question the answer is realist, unless your boss is actively putting someone's life in danger because of his bigotry.


to your second question, hurting others because you thing the hurt will come to you otherwise makes you a coward. and when i say get involved it could be calls to the police, warning those who might be attacked etc. no super hero stuff.


aligning with a bigot in a situation caused by and exacerbated by their bigotry, i feel, makes you a bigot too.

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So say you've got a bigoted boss and you don't do anything about it but rather just get on with your job instead of risking the sack, coward or realist?


If you live on a sink estate and you are forcibly coerced into a local gang and go along with various crimes, bullying, drugs, etc, but you can't get out because you can't move (either due to money or because your a minor living with parents), but know if you try to ignore the gang you'll get more grief, etc, are you a coward?


Both are aligned with bigots if they don't do anything, but are either actual bigots in reality. Unwilling hypocrites, probably!


Yes. Understandably, but still yes.

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so, does disliking someone because of their thoughts and/or beliefs make you a bigot? what is the best way to deal with someone whose beliefs you absolutely don't agree with, if simply ignoring them is not an option.


Acknowledge that they have different views and agree to disagree - unless of course you have to!

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