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Does 'merely' thinking a certain way make you a '-phobe', '-ist' etc

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Are you deliberately confusing the right to free speech with being liked? Ostracising a group because you dislike what they say is not the same as denying them the right to say it.

Surely a libertarian will support the right of the BNP to hold it's opinions, whilst simultaneously disagreeing with (and maybe campaigning against) those opinions. The same applies towards various aspects of Islam.


You are looking for some sort of double standards where none exist.


Good point.


The No Platform policy advocated by anti-fascist groups is not about censorship, it is about advocating people exercise their right to withdraw their participation from any activity that the far right could use as a platform.

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Are you deliberately confusing the right to free speech with being liked? Ostracising a group because you dislike what they say is not the same as denying them the right to say it.

Surely a libertarian will support the right of the BNP to hold it's opinions, whilst simultaneously disagreeing with (and maybe campaigning against) those opinions. The same applies towards various aspects of Islam.


You are looking for some sort of double standards where none exist.


excellent point. never though of it in those words. very good point.

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In both those cases are they not unnecessary provocations and insults likely to incite breaches of the peace such that there is good reason to ban such protests in those locations? and move them away when they do occur, like happens when people protest outside shops?


For those that think freedom of protest should be universal and protected.... why is it always EDL protests people seem to complain about? What about far larger restrictions on freedoms like the way Meadowhall, not only does not allow protests but won't even allow charity collectors to rattle their tins outside shops.

Has anyone suggested that there should be a right to protest on private property?

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What does how the news report on some protest somewhere have to do with his claim about Islamist organisations having free reign to operate in British universities, esp when considered alongside far right groups.


He didn't say they have free reign to do whatever they want or say anything they want anywhere, his claim was a lot more specific than the one you have responded to here.


perhaps i worded my reply wrong. my response was about universities too. what news reports have to do is that they give the impression that the problem is far more widespread than it is. that time a few years ago when people were caught in Bradford with home made bombs. turned out a couple were a Bradford uni and the press descended on the place. most of the reports were innuendo and conjecture( how they might have been recruited etc) but the overall picture was that the university was teeming with terrorist organization. a claim never substantiated but did massive harm to the uni.

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In both those cases are they not unnecessary provocations and insults likely to incite breaches of the peace such that there is good reason to ban such protests in those locations? and move them away when they do occur, like happens when people protest outside shops?
Yes I agree and more often than not it does happen, however the upshot is that the protesters right to express themselves is restricted for a subjectively applied greater good.


What about far larger restrictions on freedoms like the way Meadowhall, not only does not allow protests but won't even allow charity collectors to rattle their tins outside shops.
I guess that's their choice given it's private property. My partner sometimes collects for Save the Children, the last time at the IKEA near Bradford. She was given precise instructions on where she was allowed to stand and how to approach shoppers, some collectors have interfered with the shopping experience previously which is all retailers care about.
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i think i might have an idea of what you mean. could you give an example though?


Why do lefty feminist atheist's defend Muslims? I don't see them mobilising in defence of Christianity, so why Muslims and Islam? they're not just defending them as human beings, they're defending them as Muslims...when all said and done Islam is a religion...complete anathema to progressive lefties i thought. :suspect:


I know of many lefty student types who are hardcore feminists and atheists etc, but yet back "moderate" Islam/Muslims to the hilt. Now I know all religions are a bit backward when it comes to women's rights and homosexuality, but it seems being pro-Islam is the new trendy minority cause :roll:

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Why do lefty feminist atheist's defend Muslims? I don't see them mobilising in defence of Christianity, so why Muslims and Islam? they're not just defending them as human beings, they're defending them as Muslims...when all said and done Islam is a religion...complete anathema to progressive lefties i thought. :suspect:


I know of many lefty student types who are hardcore feminists and atheists etc, but yet back "moderate" Islam/Muslims to the hilt. Now I know all religions are a bit backward when it comes to women's rights and homosexuality, but it seems being pro-Islam is the new trendy minority cause :roll:


Probably because Islam is the new black.

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Why do lefty feminist atheist's defend Muslims? I don't see them mobilising in defence of Christianity, so why Muslims and Islam? they're not just defending them as human beings, they're defending them as Muslims...when all said and done Islam is a religion...complete anathema to progressive lefties i thought. :suspect:


I know of many lefty student types who are hardcore feminists and atheists etc, but yet back "moderate" Islam/Muslims to the hilt. Now I know all religions are a bit backward when it comes to women's rights and homosexuality, but it seems being pro-Islam is the new trendy minority cause :roll:


to your bold, i think they defend it in the context of a minority. there are similar organizations in countries where Christianity is a minority religion. any minority, in any country, if under sufficient strain, is protected by the 'progressives' of that country. or, at least should be. you might want to keep in mind they also attack it when they come to women's rights. they don't defend Islam. they defend people's rights to be Muslims. if Christianity was under the same pressure they would come to the same aid. you don't need to endorse anything wholesale.

i think cyclone said it best said when he said you defend the right for something to exist and yet disagree with it. he said it more eloquently.

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Why do lefty feminist atheist's defend Muslims? I don't see them mobilising in defence of Christianity, so why Muslims and Islam? they're not just defending them as human beings, they're defending them as Muslims...when all said and done Islam is a religion...complete anathema to progressive lefties i thought. :suspect:


I know of many lefty student types who are hardcore feminists and atheists etc, but yet back "moderate" Islam/Muslims to the hilt. Now I know all religions are a bit backward when it comes to women's rights and homosexuality, but it seems being pro-Islam is the new trendy minority cause :roll:


Hard to answer that, since I'm a lefty feminist agnostic...

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