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Does 'merely' thinking a certain way make you a '-phobe', '-ist' etc

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Bigotry is just a word to describe different groups who won't be swayed, the definition doesn't even indicate that the groups are wrong, just steadfast on their views!


blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others


I think the intolerance bit is key as well. It's not bigotry to strongly hold an opinion unless you are also intolerant of those who disagree.


So it's certainly possible to dislike Islam as a religion and many of it's tenets without being a bigot.

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i would say disliking parts of a religion, culture etc for whatever reason is not necessarily bigotry. but what of disliking the whole? do your reasons have to be 'valid' for it not be bigotry?


do our prejudices inform our daily lives more than our 'normal' views and thoughts? eg, do we choose friends because of what we like in them, or because they lack the characters we dislike?

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i would say disliking parts of a religion, culture etc for whatever reason is not necessarily bigotry. but what of disliking the whole? do your reasons have to be 'valid' for it not be bigotry?


do our prejudices inform our daily lives more than our 'normal' views and thoughts? eg, do we choose friends because of what we like in them, or because they lack the characters we dislike?


Maybe that's exactly the reason we do chose. Does it have to be a choice? Some might say that choices are already made simply by others actions.

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Anything that doesn't promote sexism, racism, forced marriage, under age marriage, sex with children; just to name a few.. of course thats only my opinion.


Islam doesn't promote the things you mention in your post so i suggest you do some research on the subject.

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Maybe that's exactly the reason we do chose. Does it have to be a choice?


not necessarily i don't think. was just wondering-do we choose friends because of what we like in them then stay with them because the have very little we dislike?

do we chose them because of our preferences/prejudices-class, race, educational background, religion etc

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not necessarily i don't think. was just wondering-do we choose friends because of what we like in them then stay with them because the have very little we dislike?

do we chose them because of our preferences/prejudices-class, race, educational background, religion etc


You don't choose friends, you make them.

And you tend to find that people who share things with you, values, background, educational level, interests, religion, etc... will be the people you get on with and thus become friends with.

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There's a lot of talk on here about hypocrisy, with regards to people acting contrary to their thoughts/beliefs.


We shouldn't confuse thoughts with beliefs, If for example i had an idle and harmless THOUGHT of driving a truck through a wall, but didn't do it for real, would that make me hypocritical?

No, because i BELIEVE it would be a stupid act.


No-one is born a racist, or a hater of women or homosexuals. They learn, someone teaches them.


Can they learn to overcome their prejudices? Yes, and sometimes they do.


Agreed Halibut, also no-one is born a christian or muslim or any other faith, that too is something that is taught- which is relevant to the bigotry theme because there are so many variations on the faiths and they can be interperetted and taught in so many ways.


Basically the teacher can make his/her teachings fit their own opinions, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

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  • 3 months later...

seems like the old 'racist' this 'racist' that has been hotting up again on the forum lately should we revise, somewhat, our prior opinions about the OP?


eg-thinking Islam is backwards etc. that makes you an islamophobe? thinking this country's doing this and that wrong. that make you 'anti-western'? etc etc?

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