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Does 'merely' thinking a certain way make you a '-phobe', '-ist' etc

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Less chance of a crime being comitted. Statistically there are more blacks in the prison system worldwide then whites. And that's a fact. So I'm just working on the laws of averages to protect my cherished children, Timmy and Bobby-Jo.


Do you believe that the over representation of blacks in prisons means that blacks are more likely to be criminal?








(And excuse me for going off topic, but are you in Sheffield or elsewhere?)

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That is, indeed, a fact. But for you to infer that a given black person is more likely to commit a crime than a given black person is not only unwarranted; in this country, it's actually false!


You're correct on a basic level. But if one was to take a ratio of population:ethinicity in the British prison system then I'm still statistically better with a white.

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Do you believe that the over representation of blacks in prisons means that blacks are more likely to be criminal?








(And excuse me for going off topic, but are you in Sheffield or elsewhere?)


Yes, as I have faith in our justice syatem.

And yes, i am Uk born and Sheffield bred since I was about 3 years old.

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Less chance of a crime being comitted. Statistically there are more blacks in the prison system worldwide then whites. And that's a fact. So I'm just working on the laws of averages to protect my cherished children, Timmy and Bobby-Jo.


How would you feel about Timmy and Bobby Jo having black friends?

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You're correct on a basic level. But if one was to take a ratio of population:ethinicity in the British prison system then I'm still statistically better with a white.


No, you are not. You cannot draw that conclusion just by noting that there blacks are proportionally over-represented in jails.


The maths for this is somewhat over my head, but I've seen it explained. A similar thing happened in an American university some years ago when it was accused of institutional sexism; a much higher percentage of women candidates were rejected, than male candidates. It turned out that in every single department in that university, women stood a better percentage chance of being accepted than did men; nevertheless, when you looked at the university as a whole the reverse was true.


In this country, if you look at the country as a whole, blacks are more likely to go to jail than white. Nevertheless, in any given area of the country the reverse is true; whites are more likely to be criminals than blacks are!

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My friends know me well enough to know that I would not agree to be godmother to their children no matter how much commitment I have to help them as they grow up, so we had a humanist ceremony as well as a christening and I have instead vowed to be life guardian to the children, so they have both godparents and a life guardian.


I don't act opposite to my opinions and have been known to quit jobs rather than do something that was contrary to my fundamental beliefs. I treat everybody with the same basic level of respect and expect them to do the same back.


i envy you. and hope i can find some courage that nears yours.


you might also have a beautiful mind that just tends to work right. i came here at 17, and the first few years were hell because near enough everything i 'knew' was turned upside down. thinking one thing and having to do the other otherwise you will end up in jail or worse. 14 years later things still come into my head. i know they're irrational, but have to reason with myself until the 'right' thing becomes second nature. very strange thing the brain, can play havoc with you.

i agree with your bold without reserve.

which jobs did you have to quit, if you don't mind me asking. do you think you would do the same elsewhere with no social funding or if you hadn't had the education and ability to get other jobs? hope this don't sound rude.

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How would you feel about Timmy and Bobby Jo having black friends?


That's their choice. I trust their judgement.


There is a difference to me trying to cut down on risk by making decisions that are up to me, but it would be going to far if I were to stop them being friends with black folk.

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a father , black or white, or Asian, who thinks races stick to their own for example. he wholeheartedly believes this but says nothing when his seed marries someone out of the race. is he a racist still? a person who thinks Islam is backward and dangerous but doesn't campaign for the local mosque to be shut. a person who thinks homosexuality is a sin but respects the rights of those gay to be. a devout Muslim who thinks the west is doomed yet pledges alliance to the queen. the list is endless.

does thinking something make you 'bigoted' or it's the actions you take based on those thoughts and beliefs that make you a -phobe, -ist etc?

and people who hold seemingly conflicting views. are they then hypocrites? eg a racist gay rights activist, a homophobic civil rights campaigner etc.


thoughts, beliefs, or actions?


Seperatism is a dangerous thing. Most cultures integrate somewhat into UK mainstream society but some don't. Since some don't integrate, are those people racist because they reject the host society? It works both ways. People want others to be like them but since they won't it creates conflict. It's a us and them situation, that's the way it will always be.


Authorities have now begun a programme of restricting activities to try and make people integrate and comply with the state but it won't work. All it will do is cause resentment and will inevitably lead to serious conflict sooner or later. So if you are an immigrant to a country, the only thing you can do to assimulate people to your own culture is build up your own immigrant community, get people into responsible jobs using business' diversity and equality opportunity policies to try and change laws to a favourable state, in order words - breakdown the system from the inside.

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Less chance of a crime being comitted. Statistically there are more blacks in the prison system worldwide then whites. And that's a fact. So I'm just working on the laws of averages to protect my cherished children, Timmy and Bobby-Jo.


guessing you ask people you know to be babysitters. or you use reputable companies. if you went to the black girl you know to be a thief she's likely to steal. would you take the junkie white girl instead of the nice black girl just because? if the company you use has black girls on its books they have done the same checks. would you still think the same? would you get your ex, 'nice lass' to baby sit? (not sure what your Mrs would say to that.)

there are infinitely more white male serial killers than black one. should i judge all white men on that 'undeniable' statistic?

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