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"Flu Jabs for children"

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I'm just wondering why our GP Surgery is not offering a swine flu jab to my children aged 9 and 3 years! my sister's GP in Chesterfield wrote to invite my niece who's now 2 back in Feb to have one, even though she's not an asthma sufferer. However I rang my GP yesterday and they told me that they were only giving them to Old, vulnerable and asthma sufferers, but I though children were supposed to be vulnerable! I am a bit miffed that my children are dismissed and not able to have one, when other surgeries are inviting other children to have theirs, this is not fair. Can anyone tell me why?

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swine flu is included in the regular flu jab now. doc told me this when i enquired as im on immune suppressants and had to have 2 of the swine flu jabs last year when it came out in addition to the regular flu jab.


if you are concerned you can always just pay to have flu jabs done, sure its only around a tenner or so anyway. they do them free at docs to 'at risk' groups. kids generally are actually pretty resiliant, its young children that are more at risk

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thanks for your replies, it still seems that some surgeries are working differently to others, my youngest didn't get offered it last year either, so unsure why some other surgeries did it. I suppose I could pay, but I'm a bit uncertain about the safety of getting done somewhere else to be honest. Let's just hope my kids don't get it! I just wish the Health Authority would make up their minds who needs it and who doesn't, one minute they're saying all children under 5 are at risk, then the next minute only Vulnerable people should have it. I'm just as confused as before!

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i know boots at meadowhall are taking appointments and giving flu vacs to 16yrs and over because my gp surgery told me and i rang today however, i wanted to know if i could pay to have my 13 yrs old vaccinated at boots and was told no, he is too young as they are only giving it to 16yrs and over, oh and its 12.89.

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Myself (36 weeks pregnant) and husband (asthma sufferer) have both had swine vacs last week, i enquired about my son who is 5yrs old and she said if he is normally fit and healthy then he doesnt need it.

apparently the ones at risk are pregnant ladies especially, or those just given birth and the other vulnerable groups-asthma etc, doctor stated out of 12 in intensive care at mo 9 are pregnant ladies!!!

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i wanted to know if i could pay to have my 13 yrs old vaccinated at boots and was told no, he is too young as they are only giving it to 16yrs and over.


Blimey, you just can't win can you?? :rolleyes: The flu vaccination system is a bit of a farce. I used to get a vaccination until two years ago when they changed the rules to say that as an asthmatic you could only have it if you had previously had a hospital admission for an asthma attack. They didn't tell me - I had to ask when it got to the end of November and I realised i hadn't had my usual letter.


It might be worth asking your GP if they would write a private prescription for your 13 year old? I suspect the problem is with needing a prescription for the vaccine for a younger child. The GP shouldn't charge you for it. It might not work but it's worth asking.

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