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Farewell Mantaspook


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As many regulars will know, Mantaspook is standing down as Group Leader after several years at the helm. Month in, month out, he has come up with a new topic to stimulate those little grey writing cells, and has been generous with his time and critical skills when we've asked for feedback.


Not a back seat critic, our Mantaspook, he has always tried to provide examples of ways in which our writing could be improved, and has pointed us in the direction of more help and advice. He has also posted several of his own stories that have spurred many of us on.


They are big shoes to fill, but Ron Blanco and myself will try to safeguard the spirit of friendship, constructive criticism and mutual support that has been a hallmark of Mantaspook's stewardship. Ron has already been whizzing around the threads, making sure that contributors know their submissions are valued. And I'm trying to keep up with him!


So, Mantaspook, thank you for your tremendous efforts with the SFWG and your unerring support for all of us who submit our writing. I'm sure we'll still see your posts in the forum, but it seemed right - as you stand down as Group Leader - to mark the occasion with thanks and good wishes.



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Many thanks for your kind words Tallyman, it's been a really interesting journey and I've learned a lot about writing whilst I've been on here whilst researching techniques and from the feedback provided by the other members.


I think that the most important attribute a writer must have is the ability to edit their work, to make it the very best it can be before it is released to the general public, it is no good thinking someone else will edit all the spelling mistakes, poor grammar and convoluted plot into a final polished piece - that's your job.


However, we all have to start somewhere so I'm pleased that the writers' group offers advice & encouragement to writers of all abilities, even the ones that are just starting out.


Whilst the other sections of SF have more traffic, trolls and tribulations the quiet little backwater represented by the Writers' group has a calm, considerate atmosphere - this is almost certainly down to the quality of people we have on here, although I'd like to think my early 'shoot to kill' policy played a part. :D


I'm having a break from SF for a while but I still have a few unfinished stories that I'll inflict on you at a later date.


My best wishes to the group leaders Tallyman, Ron Blanco & all past & present members of the Writers' Group, it looks like midnight is nearly upon us so I'll say goodnight, happy New Year and all the best to you all for 2011.


:partyhat: :partyhat: :partyhat: :partyhat: :partyhat: :partyhat: :wave:

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I'm late with this one: No, I haven't been shovelling snow. Just to add my thanks for a job well done.


On a personal level, to thank you for the time and effort you obviously expended in critiquing some of the "rubbish" I've inflicted on the group.


Best wishes for the future.

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My personal thanks to Mantaspook for his encouragement, help and guidance in getting me started writing short stories. I would also add that if it wasn't for Mantaspook uploading/downloading* my short stories for me, none would have ever appeared in the public domain. (*yep, I've still not mastered the techno language!)


I took a short break from writing short stories, which has now extended for over three years! I'm currently summoning the courage to get started again. If I do get writing again, I shall miss Mantaspook. So, don't stay away too long Mantaspook!


Best wishes for the future Mantaspook!



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