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Irresponsible Dog Owners

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Why not blame the dog?


If the dog chooses to live in our society then - when in Rome, do as the Romans do etc....


Owners cannot always be responsible for the actions of a dog, in the same way my budgie is not responsible for the actions I take


And the award for the dumbest post for 2010............goes to :huh:

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I sometimes think the biggest problem is too many people myself included, have dogs as part of our family and we love them that way, however, we think like humans when we say oh she/he is ok i dont have to put her/him on a lead. Lets remember they are aniamls and do not think like us humans.

Saying this my dog loves other dogs, but today whilst walking down our local field i saw a lady with a lovely german shepard i instantly putmy dog on the lead but she did'nt. Her dog then ran up to mine growling and she stood there like frozen on the spot, i was fuming, i warned her to call it back or i would let mine off his lead. Don;t get me wrong mine would have made a massive fuss and decided it was play time, but then again would he i cant honestly say because he is an animal. I wouldnt have let my dog off the lead i said it to prompt her to get her act together.

Hate is a strong word but to all you out there that don't leash your dog in the presence of another "I hate you!

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Why not blame the dog?


If the dog chooses to live in our society then - when in Rome, do as the Romans do etc....


Owners cannot always be responsible for the actions of a dog, in the same way my budgie is not responsible for the actions I take


Do you talk as much codswallop in EVERY thread? (For what it's worth, my observations suggest the answer is in the affirmative)

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I always put very large German shepherd on his lead the minute we see another dog, I just wish everybody else gave me the same courtesy, how many times have little dogs come up yapping at him and snapping, and their owners shouting its allright he doesn't bite, try telling that to my dog with a small terrier biting at his feet.


Plus not all dogs are dog friendly mine included, and before anyone says its because he wasn't socialised as a puppy, I have had GSds for years and brought them up exactly the same with lots of company and mixed with other dogs, and he is the first one ever to not like other dogs, nothing we have done just how he is, which is why he goes on his lead, around other dogs, so all I ask if you see someone with their dog on a lead, its for a reason, the least you can do is to have some control and put your dog on its lead.

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What a daft statement. I take my dogs out twice a day in the countryside and they are perfectly fine off the lead. I know many people who walk their dogs off leads and have no problems. I can even walk thru a field of sheep and they won't even bat an eyelid.



Until the day they chase the sheep, then it'll be "But they've never done that before!" And you've the nerve to talk about other people's daft statements!

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Until the day they chase the sheep, then it'll be "But they've never done that before!" And you've the nerve to talk about other people's daft statements!


Well they haven't and they never will after ten years of owning them. Even funnier is when new born lambs come running up to them licking their faces. Froth at the mouth over that one if you have the nerve:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I wouldn't dream of taking dogs off lead in the countryside. Any owner taking loose dogs through a field of sheep is an idiot and an accident waiting to happen and should not suggest its acceptable on here.


When did i suggest its acceptable on here? Do u like putting words into my mouth? LOL They are just very well trained. If you can't understand that then i suggest you stop making sweeping statements and go back to your closet. BTW i also know the farmer well. He also has his COLLIES (working farm dogs if you didn't know) off the lead when they are rounding up sheep. Is he an idiot too?? LOL:hihi::hihi:


I'm not suggesting that all dogs be off leads for one second HOWEVER a good majority of the dogs have anti-social behaviour problems due to this. And its the stupid owners that can't seem to fathom that they are exasperating the problem keeping their dogs away from other dogs etc etc. Of course there are exceptions but if you think dogs should be tethered all the time then for heavens sake why have one???????????????


Here endeth Popeye's lesson:gag:

Edited by Popeye
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I fear the spinach has addled your brain pal. You keep letting your dogs off lead and enjoy, the rest of us will behave responsibly.

There is a world of difference between working farm animals and your 'non working' dog. Please let us know when the one man and his dog show is on.

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