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Irresponsible Dog Owners

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Irrisponsible cat owners too.


These creatures people don't realise are so un clean which carry disease. Cats when they are allowed to stray kill other wild animals (a dog owner could face chargers for allowing their animal to hurt a wild creature), gathering toxins on their teeth and claws, they poo in peoples garden's which is full of the same toxins. Then the cat comes home and jums over every surface which should be kept hygennic. Recently I red of a little girl that lost an eye after getting cat poo on her hand whilst out playing. People don't realise the menise that their animals can do when allowed to stray.

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i am a staffy owner and lover of the breed. Pleas, to the original poster in this thread, please don't allow this one incident to give you the prejudice most other members of the public have towards the breed. BUT i do agree ALL dogs should be on the lead when off private property.


You have to ask yourself why there is the prejudice most other members of the public have towrds the breed (your words not mine). Surely there's no smoke without fire?

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I fear the spinach has addled your brain pal. You keep letting your dogs off lead and enjoy, the rest of us will behave responsibly.


Think your the one that needs the spinach if you think ALL dogs need to be on the lead in the countryside. Your obviously not an outdoors person simple as. I've had 20 years of joy mutts with NO incidents so who are you to suggest I can't let my dogs off??? And for your information my dogs are best mates with the farmers dogs so guess working dogs can have a social life lol.

Fair enough if you can't control your dog but many people can so don't come out with absurd suggestions to responsible owners. LOL :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Or maybe you live in a bad area where there's loads of trouble with bad owners/dogs so your view has been blinkered towards responsible owners. I might suggest you try socialising with other dog owners and even let your dog play. Might do both of you the world of good lol.


What happens when u VENTURE into the country and see dog walkers with their dogs off the lead? I see these people all the time lol. DO u froth at the mouth and give them abuse?


Nuff said anyway as its like arguing with 'You don't want to do it like that' man from Hary Enfield. There is little leeway with people that say ALL dogs must be on leads. If you actually thought about that statement its really really DUMB.


Might go and have some spinach now. Got an early rise for a nice walk in the country with my doggies lead free.

Edited by Popeye
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Well they haven't and they never will after ten years of owning them. Even funnier is when new born lambs come running up to them licking their faces. Froth at the mouth over that one if you have the nerve:hihi::hihi::hihi:




When did i suggest its acceptable on here? Do u like putting words into my mouth? LOL They are just very well trained. If you can't understand that then i suggest you stop making sweeping statements and go back to your closet. BTW i also know the farmer well. He also has his COLLIES (working farm dogs if you didn't know) off the lead when they are rounding up sheep. Is he an idiot too?? LOL:hihi::hihi:


I'm not suggesting that all dogs be off leads for one second HOWEVER a good majority of the dogs have anti-social behaviour problems due to this. And its the stupid owners that can't seem to fathom that they are exasperating the problem keeping their dogs away from other dogs etc etc. Of course there are exceptions but if you think dogs should be tethered all the time then for heavens sake why have one???????????????


Here endeth Popeye's lesson:gag:


Do you realise Popeye that a farmer has a legal right to shoot any dog that is among his animals without a lead no matter how well behaved they are, are you prepared to carry on risking your dogs life? One day you may come across a farmer who takes exception to your kind of irresponsible behaviour, a pregnant ewe can miscarry if she gets stressed

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any dog can turn we see it on the news daily, however the owener has a responsibility to treat and look after the dog and know where the dog is at all times, ive had and known lots of dogs however since Ive had my 4 year old i am very weiry of any dogs that approach us in the park or on the streets. Ive also seen my friends two dogs turn on each other over food with blood all over the kitchen floor, think I lost my voice screaming !!!

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Popeye has yet to tell us when we can come and watch the show - just around the time of lambing - put your dogs in the field then you arrogant prat. There are many dog owners who keep dogs on lead - running into a road is not the best plan - dogs are pack animals - I will gladly bring my leaded pack to your field and see how your perfect pets behave

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I own large breed dogs and although i know they are soft and friendly other people dont and i can understand why some people would be scared shtless to see a massive rottwieler bounding toward them.

My rottie "can" be dog aggressive so is always muzzled when walked which makes the situation worse as most folk assume she is vicious :(

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I always put very large German shepherd on his lead the minute we see another dog, I just wish everybody else gave me the same courtesy, how many times have little dogs come up yapping at him and snapping, and their owners shouting its allright he doesn't bite, try telling that to my dog with a small terrier biting at his feet.


Plus not all dogs are dog friendly mine included, and before anyone says its because he wasn't socialised as a puppy, I have had GSds for years and brought them up exactly the same with lots of company and mixed with other dogs, and he is the first one ever to not like other dogs, nothing we have done just how he is, which is why he goes on his lead, around other dogs, so all I ask if you see someone with their dog on a lead, its for a reason, the least you can do is to have some control and put your dog on its lead.

i compleatly agree with you here 2 of mine are not dog friendly the first time they meet a new dog we get a lot of growling and trying to fight (i muzzle them tho so nothing happens), but i hate the fact that i have to shout at some ideots four or five times to get there dog back as mine is not friendly.


i allowe mine off leash time when i can see clearly around me, and if i see a person or dog coming my way they are straight back on. the ammount of people that watch me put them on lead as they approach and shout its ok he/ she only wants to play!!!!!!! errrr yea love cant you tell mine dosent.

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  • 5 years later...
I got 'slated' on the pet forum for saying people should be more careful about letting their dogs run free. A few said 'oh , but dogs do escape', well, that is not acceptable when kids are getting scared. How damned hard is it to keep your dog under control? If you cannot manage it then you should not have a dog.


Well I sympathise Lemongrass. I got slated for suggesting that the only dogs allowed should be working dogs and guide dogs.

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