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Vera Celia and me


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The Tales of Vera Celia and me



There was Vera and Celia and me

You will have heard about us three

We have been told to remember

No dance til September

We shall have to find new revelry


Celia had bought a new frock

Vera had shoes on the hock

When they heard the news

Back went the frock and the shoes

And I suffered withdrawal and shock


We would have to find pastures new

Line dancing gave us a clue

We would consider our ages

look through yellow pages

and cause havoc whatever we do.


You see we are not the usual types

Who go out looking for fights

Who plunder and pillage

And that just in the village

We’re older and wiser, that’s right.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I really enjoyed that poem. I could just picture the three all fired up and ready to go. Not completely sure what disaster befell to prevent the pre September revelries, but imagine they made up for it in later life.



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Thanks LFT

This was the first one I wrote



I went to the City Hall today

I’ll tell you about it if I may.

we all went to town

dressed in white, pink and brown

silver shoes in a bag by the way.


We decided to go on the bus

Our O A Pensioners pass was enough

to town we went free

Vera, Celia and me.

But Vera was lost in the rush


we went to a tea dance you see

The queue was as long as could be

They all pushed to get there

We hadn’t a prayer

We were new and polite, us three.


They were rushing to get the best table

It wasn’t as if we were able

To get there so quick

Vera’s knee gave her gyp

and I was almost disable.


Celia’s bunion was duly inspected

And Vera’s bandage knee was respected

And my Parkinson’s shake

Was not displayed for my sake

And I think we went undetected.


Before Vera strutted her stuff

She had to pad the toes that were duff

She wrapped them in foam

Didn’t lower the tone

She knew she had used just enough.


The music then started to play

And the couples they glided our way

Celia was dancing with Vera

And the songs were our era,

but the big bands were only hearsay.


Trevor and Betty were fun

They danced round the room and were done

After all they were older

And Trevor a soldier

Who fought in the war by gum..


Celia knew who was dancing with who

Of partners there was only a few

She watched a woman in pink

Claim a spare man who I think

I remember we spoke in the queue



We met a lady dripping in gold

She was shivering as if she was cold

It wasn’t her scene

She was new and not been

To the City Hall dances of old..


As they danced the years rolled away

And their bunions and knees were OK

Their jiving was good

Celia knew that she could

Cos she learnt it at camp USA.


All good things come to an end

When we arrived we followed the trend

About 10 flights of stairs

We were caught unawares

We were glad of the lift to ascend


So we all went home on the bus

The driver made a fuss of us

We chattered away

what a lovely day

we are all about 70 plus



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There was Vera and Celia and me

You will have heard about us three

We have been told to remember

No dance til September

We shall have to find new revelry


Celia had bought a new frock

Vera had shoes on the hock

When they heard the news

Back went the frock and the shoes

And I suffered withdrawal and shock


We would have to find pastures new

Line dancing gave us a clue

We would consider our ages

look through yellow pages

and cause havoc whatever we do.


You see we are not the usual types

Who go out looking for fights

Who plunder and pillage

And that just in the village

We’re older and wiser, that’s right.



good stuff. love the rhyme scheme. always find the ab very very very hard. you pulled it off well. and liking the story too. i have my own vera and celia too. i'm sure every one has at some point. good fun.

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Thanks Kaimani

What is 'ab' that is difficult?


I'm pleased that you like it. I have now got used to this type of rhyming which when I read it aloud sounds good but others reading it don't stop in the right places.


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Thanks Kaimani

What is 'ab' that is difficult?


I'm pleased that you like it. I have now got used to this type of rhyming which when I read it aloud sounds good but others reading it don't stop in the right places.



your lines, i meant. the four lines in the stanza. a,b,c,d and then again in the next one on and on. to make two lines one after the other rhyme through out and make sense i find difficult. I'm better with ac bd-every other line. yeah, really good stuff. just working on my own uni stuff, which, i'm late handing in coz I'm blocked. just got some ideas from your word play. will show it to you. good stuff.

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Thanks Hazel,


Sounds like you've given these three quite a bit of charater. Remids me of the bus I used to get home as a student, was a stop near the dance hall and I think it was Tuesdays they all got on around 10pm chattering away having had a great evening dancing.

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